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  1. kingofnull

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Sorry for being off-topic, but I dream every night - vaped or not. My dreams are always vivid, and often lucid.
  2. kingofnull

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I find the best way to get the screens 'stuck' is to vape a stem and let the ABV cool/'harden' in the stem. The screen usually fits pretty well after scraping out the ABV.
  3. kingofnull

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Anyone vaping stems yet?
  4. kingofnull

    Discontinued Epicvape EV-1/EV-2

    Can anyone explain with the vapor seems so much smoother on direct draw than, say, the Solo at the same temperature?
  5. kingofnull - Canada's Destination for the Best Vapes on the Planet

    :clap:PV. As if I needed more reasons to shop with you guys. Too bad you didn't release this news last week before I got my o-ring, I would've bought another unnecessary Solo stem to add to my collection, just to get the o-ring shipped next day.
  6. kingofnull

    Mark Atech Glass

    I dont want to speak for Mark, but he offered to make me an 18mm dewaar with a circ and roughly the same size as the PN tube.
  7. kingofnull

    Arizer Solo

    *raises hand
  8. kingofnull

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Wow I love the size of that can!
  9. kingofnull

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    Oil judging by the clouds and the Atty.
  10. kingofnull

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    I'd love to see it with the Pax.
  11. kingofnull

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    So f-ing jealous of that Slime WT. Gotta try mine with me Ultra!
  12. kingofnull

    Arizer Solo

    You definitely want a 14mm GonG. I've currently got a 14mm Turbo PVHEGonG and a regular/standard/'stock' 14mm GonG/non PVHE GonG. I've also ordered a stubby 14mm PVHEGonG (non-Turbo). I 'downgraded' back to my standard 14mm GonG when I realized how whispy the vapor from the Turbo was. Of...
  13. kingofnull

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Someone posted a bit back that steel clamps would make a great steam punk addition to a splitting Nano.
  14. kingofnull

    What Are YOUR Best/Worst Vape Purchases?

    Still valid?
  15. kingofnull

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I don't get why this is just now emerging as an issue. All my earlier Nano stems and gongs fit screens fine.
  16. kingofnull

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    I disagree with this. Most anyone who has used a waterpipe knows not to breathe out, but rather inhale. I kicked my little PN WT over by accident yesterday. I just stared in shock as it rolled across the kitchen floor. Picked it up, and it was fine :D
  17. kingofnull

    Arizer Solo

    Load kief in a Solo stem. Vape at your desired temperature. I like using kief as a bowl topper or sammich style.
  18. kingofnull

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Is $150 the FC price for the lattice a/c?
  19. kingofnull

    Win a Free Ascent by DaVinci- Haiku Contest!

    Gotta get this in Before the deadline passes Shame to have missed out
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