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  1. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Can confirm it's more of a taste thing than anything else. I overwhelmingly prefer a torch but I always have on every device. IH's are much better for just chilling on the couch watching TV and not flirting with combustion.
  2. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    It's worth. I liked my Dani v3 but wasn't super impressed with it; kinda just felt like a vapcap just a bowl and a half. I AM impressed with the Fusion; the flavor improvement makes such a big difference.
  3. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    It has a threaded cap so... it can potentially squeak but you can easily fix it with a bit of lubricant. (obviously something vape safe)
  4. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Hooray! And isn't that always the case? This is why all I do is complain about the post /s In seriousness, I have my complaints but I'm aware that dealing with mail for all these people is a logistical nightmare with literal millions of moving parts.
  5. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    I know that feel. I just had a shipment come via UPS where the UPS truck passed within sight of my porch Saturday evening to take it to my local post office ~150 yards up the street and I'm waiting till it gets delivered later today with the regular mail. Like, bruh, if you pulled over I...
  6. redeyemaster

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I dug my SSV out of storage this weekend and did and added rubies and the difference between it and my pinky was pretty small to the point that I'm convinced I can make up for it with technique once I really spend more time with the modded SSV. And once I do, I'm going to dramatically prefer...
  7. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Weird, my fusion fits flush in my metal stem using the o-rings that came with. But maybe my stem is slightly small, it constantly ate o-rings with the v3 tip and it hasn't been breaking them with the fusion. edit - And also it stays snug enough that sometimes I unscrew the lower part of the...
  8. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    The bowls are different sizes (you can actually snugly fit the rev bowl into the v3 bowl) and BFG is selling two different sets of screens for the same price on his website. Logic dictates they are highly likely to be different sizes but I could pull my screens out and check if you like.
  9. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Yes it's lined with stainless. Vapor doesn't seem super different but the shorty stem certainly gets much hotter; I prefer to use it as a WPA instead of natively and I slap it into my old v3 stem for that.
  10. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Just counted it out, it is almost exactly 5 seconds past the click.
  11. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Stems are universal (9mm) v3 Cap fits a fusion but a fusion cap does not fit a v3 tip.
  12. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Nice fit. Also happy birthday.
  13. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Day 1 of my v3 it ate an o-ring. I haven't had my fusion* snag on an o-ring yet and I've removed it ~5-6 times over the weekend without issue. Fingers crossed.
  14. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Fusion and V3 stem have full cross compatibility with both tips. V3 cap fits the fusion but not the other way around. AFAIK no vendors are currently offering just the tip (heh) but YMMV depending on where you live.
  15. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Can confirm, same o-rings as the V3. (I slapped one of the spare o-rings from my fusion onto the V3, my v3 likes to eat o-rings)
  16. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    I should clarify; the stem sizes are different. Not sure about the o-rings; they might be.
  17. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Dani is 9mm, dynas are 8mm. Not 100% sure if they’re the same size or not as I have never checked 1:1 but both my dani’s came with spares from Wesley pipes (us distributor)
  18. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Just scrubbed the hell out of the shorty stem Rubbed with nothing (just cotton cloth) - No color Rubbed with water - No color Rubbed with oil - No color ISO might cause some bleed of the stain, not sure... I'm still more concerned about the heat than anything else.
  19. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    I'm getting fairly even roasting, maybe slightly less roasted near the bottom middle of the pack with my preferred technique (so far). I'd say it's well into the dark brown, almost coffee colored from a full hit including a heat soak.
  20. redeyemaster

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Point. But I wonder if the temp stepping is what eventually provides your even roast? Hard to say as I tend to flirt with combustion and look for that one heat and done experience.
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