I have just bought the heatgun setup as referred to in http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/heatgun-vape-bong-vape-quick-start-guide-tutorial.8954/ . I would however, somewhere down the line, want to invest a portable vaporizer. What would be your suggestions? I am looking for taste, efficiency and...
I'll post the vapes I have tried, as currently I do only own one.
Steinel Heatgun + Bong - 10
De Verdamper - 9
Volcano Digit Solid Valve - 7
For taste I would switch the places of De Verdamper & the Steinel.
The end result turned out to be:
http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/heatgun-vape-bong-vape-quick-start-guide-tutorial.8954/ and so far I'm very happy with it :)
Dear FC - I have had studied your forums for a while and I finally got my bong vape thanks to some very helpful members. I have made a mini picture tutorial for bong vaping. Ofcourse everyone's method's vary but I would like to post my findings here so people may use it as a guideline.
Vapehead, Mark, first of all, thank you for your extensive and informative posts. Seeing as money is an issue right now, I can not quite afford to get the wand at this time. If I had the money it would be between the VHW and de Verdamper, but for now the steinel will have to do. It's only the...
Hello FC, I am purchasing my first vaporizer and decided to go with a Steinel heatgun setup ( my thread, for more detailed information is at http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/best-setup-for-use-with-steinel-heatgun-2010-e.8705/#post-352718 , I got redirected here by Vorrange). I wonder if i...
I am aware of that, I rather do research and get the right piece the first time, I just didn't know there was so much to consider! Thanks you very much I'll check that website out.
I will personally try to avoid ordering from Vriptech myself mainly because they ship from the US so it will be a long wait if something happens or I break something or anything along those lines, however the perfect fit for my gun is very very tempting. I have a 14mm nozzle for my steinel I was...
Another question, from people's experience, when you aim the heat gun at the herbs would you need the herbs to "warm up a bit" first, would you have to hit it while you would do this? Or can you heat it up beforehand and then just put it above the herb and pull the trigger while inhaling?
Alright so if I'm not going to combust where will I put my weed when vaping? Don't I need to put it somewhere so it doesnt fly out. If I don't use a bowl where would I put my weed? Straight in the stem? I'll definitely have a look for that thread and I´ll get some steel screems.
@Vorrange, thanks, very helpful! Their new website appears to be http://www.head-shop.de and I do really like it, I have got all the essential parts I believe (The Tube 500ml, A Diffuser and a Medium Sized Funnel Bowl) but they do not sell any glass screens. What can you recommend...
As a matter of fact I still have one question left.. Is there any way to find out what size diffuser I would want to order with me bong? I get the joint size but the length I'm not sure about, and the website does not appear to give any numbers either. Does anyone have any advice on this? Also...
Thanks again both of you!
@Vorrange, Thank you that answered all the questions I had left (for now!) I believe. I'm hoping that the 14mm nozzle will fit as I put it on earlier and I can't seem to get it off!
@Vicki, That clarifies it :) And I'm pretty sure that for me as a person it might...
@HighyEducatedScholar, Thank you for the link, well helpful! However it does leave me with some questions still. Mainly about whether a diffuser is worth it for vaping, whether I want a carb & whether/how much difference the size of the glass piece makes.
@Vicki, That's good to hear, flavour...
Thank you for your insights Vorrange, I appriciate the input. I have been considering the Ehle, and I am looking into them as we speak. Is there any particular reason why you would take a 250ml one over a 500ml one for example? Or a 100ml one for that matter? Is that for the loss of taste? I...
I will introduce myself a little bit as this is my first post. I'm a 25 year old dutch guy, who has been smoking the herb for 10 years, and was introduced to a vaporizer for the first time half a year ago. This was in Amsterdam in Barney's Coffeeshop, the digital Volcano Vaporizer. I was...