Thanks, I am aware of it and have read thru this, I mainly wonder for the bubblers vs WT and whether the cheap bub would be worth it over the real Vaporbrothers one! Appreciate the reply.
Hello fellow vapors, i have just ordered a solo with some accesoires. Now the last thing i am looking for is a watertool.
I have had some ideas but would like some opinions. Currently my options I have thought of are:
- Pinnacle Watertool (nice, but i cant get in touch with vaporblunt)
I tried to get the seller the cancel my order (sent multiple messages) but instead of a message back I got an unpaid case opened against me, just figured I'd let you guys know. Not a great first ebay experience I must say. I hope all you guys who did decide to get one got a good and working one.
Hydros I have been looking for a cheap simple vape myself and I have just recently (today!) purchased the Solo, with Ed's Bog Oak stem. Still looking to get a watertool and PVHE GonG and I should be all set for a while! I intend to use the wood travelling purposes and the glassware for at home...
I tried planet vape but apparently their promotions just ended. Sent them an email to try and get the deal still but, no luck. What are other places I can buy the Solo for 160? I'll probably still have to order the accesoires from PV unless they have PVHE GonG pieces somewhere else, too. In this...
I have offered on one of these. 100 Dollars. However, the guy wants 105 dollars for shipping and handling (shipping to Netherlands, Europe). It seems mad considering I have never had to pay more than +- 30$ for any item shipped from anywhere. So my question here is, do you guys think 105 dollars...
Decided to buy a Solo from PlanetVape.
So far I have decided on:
-Solo (obviously)
-Power Adapter (Including EU Plug)
-Car Charger
-PVHE Gong x2 (14mm, planning to hook up to PWT)
Possibly a hard case as well.
Mainly planning to use it at home but occasionally taking it out as well, the use...
The support for the Solo is amazing! Apparently winning hands down! In regards to using this with a Pinnacle Water Tool, would you suggest a regular GonG Stem or one of the High Efficiency ones Planet Vape does, if so, whats the differences in experience between the Turbo and the Shorty and the...
I am looking for a portable vape, priorities being taste and mobility. Efficient extraction and or many hits from a relatively small amount of flowers would be a bonus (Incredibly hard to get oil here).
Basically I have a few options, always willing for suggestions as well. I do have a Pinnacle...
**EDIT: Disregard this, I was wrong**
I believe you can put it in further but I'm not sure whether or not the buddy rim will interfere. Note that I do not own one and this IS indeed speculation, but I think you should be able to I have been looking at the Ascent for a while, so. If anyone can...
I am thinking of getting a pinnacle hydrotube to go with my future vape.
I have a few questions regarding the tube, though.
- Is the water filtration and diffusion enough for your liking?
- If anyone has any experiences with this tube, good or bad, please feel free to chime in! It would be...
Dear fellow FC members,
I am thinking of getting a pinnacle hydrotube to go with my future vape.
I have a few questions regarding the tube, though.
- Is the water filtration and diffusion enough for your liking?
- If anyone has any experiences with this tube, good or bad, please feel free to...
Thanks for your advice everyone! I will try to answer to all of you:
Meghan, I would like it sooner rather than later but I do not NEED one right away in that sense as I do still combust, though I also wouldnt want to wait to long!
I certainly know that the Solo has a track record I am...
I will also take recommendations for alternatives to the hydro tube (I looked at the infamous vaporbrothers knockoff for example), but it does look like it might be ideal for travel as long as I can get some stoppers of some kind to stop the water from coming out. I'm also a tech geek so I do...
It's not necessarily the stealth factor but the size (my apologies for editing my post and not mentioning it),, and an oil pen is no option due to the legal unavailability of oils. I just see myself having a hard time dancing and what not with the solo in my pocket (also, the glass stem might...
The Ascent is indeed very new, which is one of the few reasons that I wanted to make sure that I had the best for my needs. Especially as it will be my only vape. I have not heard of the firewood so I will have a look at that as well. Also, I might end up getting an one at first and then another...