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  1. niall

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Sure does, I'm getting smoke out of mine on full temp after it's been resting in the champagne flute style holder. I haven't figured out temps yet so haven't turned it down and played with it a bit more. These holders are awesome by the way, I wasn't sure about them just looking at the pics...
  2. niall

    30% of the THC is exhaled

    Exactly, well said.
  3. niall

    30% of the THC is exhaled

    I knew it! :D This is why I take small quarter to half tokes - quarter to half of my lung capacity and the rest is fresh air. Maximise the amount of vapor your lungs absorb, everyone's capacity will be different so find your own sweet spot where you're no longer exhaling highly visible vapor.
  4. niall

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Yep that's what the Valloon in my sig is for :D To be honest it's a pain in the arse, the bag is more unwieldy than a heat gun and the flavour isn't as "fresh" by the time you've inflated a bag. Plus my dosage is pretty tiny, so a full bag is usually more than I need (and small bags are still...
  5. niall

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Nah the Volcano Digit is what I was referring to - I "upgraded" from the old VWT + Steinel years ago, and while I really do love it (temperature control in particular), I always loved water and ice filtered vapor far more.
  6. niall

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Got my 3.0 last week and gave it a good go with some mates on Sunday - damn it's good to be back using the VWT with ice and water :) Kicks arse compared to the Steinel, really like the feel of it. Thumbs up from me, I don't expect the Digit will ever get used again now - VHW and iolite all the...
  7. niall

    Iolite vaporiser

    They'll work reasonably ok, but you'll end up with a fair bit of residue staining and you won't get it all in one hit like with Ti. Others on TGR have recommended wiping BHO and hash on papers then loading them into the bowl.
  8. niall

    Tired of my V-rip and thinking of pulling the trigger on a Volcano

    I've done the same, went from a VWT and Steinel to the Digit, but now I'm going back to the VWT and a VHW. The Digit's great, perfect for the type of use you describe and certainly more user friendly and not fragile like the Vriptech gear. But you will really miss the water/ice conditioning...
  9. niall

    Herb Grinders

    Spikes/Pyramids/Shark-teeth win hands down imho. I've gone full circle from cheap plastic grinders, to expensive CNC aluminium grinders (flat topped teeth), back to cheap plastic grinders. As sharp as the CNC teeth edges are, I hate having to rub or clean the teeth's top and making sure herb...
  10. niall

    Iolite vaporiser

    Just curious - did you not claim the first under warranty?
  11. niall

    Does vaporizing give a different type of high? Vol. Indica = Sativa

    Low temps will promote more of a Sativa high, higher temps more of an Indica high. Plus vaping will remove all effects of combustion - likely that CO, tars and other shite are affecting the high in subtle ways. Vaping gives you the true high from cannabinoids, flavinoids and other volatile...
  12. niall

    Iolite vaporiser

    Sounds like it's time to claim on warranty - if you had good results with a decent butane brand and it's suddenly stopped working with no other change... then yeah I'd email O&B and see what they say.
  13. niall

    Anxiety and vaporizers?

    I used to have the same problem - smell and fear of neighbours used to give me pretty bad paranoia, and I'd occasionally have an anxiety/panic attack from high THC strains. Both were major reasons for me investigating vaporizers in the first place - moreso than any health benefit. From day 1...
  14. niall

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    How's the 3.0 coming along ShadowVape, any rough ETA on when it'll ship?
  15. niall

    Iolite vaporiser

    Longest use I've used mine was over 2 hours 20 mins, and I stopped timing at that stage. Always lights first click, and none of my mouthpiece stems have ever broken (think I got the first, original batch they outsourced). When filling make sure the nozzle is on properly, I give the can a few...
  16. niall

    Iolite vaporiser

    Doesn't sound good, and given I get 2 hours minimum per fill maybe the valve or something is cracked? I would send it in for repair if it continues or gets worse... maybe email them to see what they recommend?
  17. niall

    Herb Grinders

    A $5 plastic, magnetc grinder is the best I have used, the CNC ones just can't bite and I hate having to dust off flat ended prongs. Magnets and shark/pyrimid teeth I redckon</worthShit> :-D
  18. niall

    My Great Vape Experiment - Exercise and Vaping

    Wait, what? Define efficiency, not to be an arsehole but we need to define our terms and I could go no further. Efficient compared to smoking - I just don't agree, even vaping almost 100% of the time. A rapid temperature gradient has yet to be replicated in my opinion, it is as much a...
  19. niall

    Removing Metal Shell from Digital Volcano!

    Well one thing's for sure, there'll be less drag? :uhoh:
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