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  1. Firebaall

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Are there any good Canadian vendors offering a good deal on a plenty atm? I've got the usual suspects on my radar like, puffitup, planetofthevapes. Having stock for the reducer and extra filling chamber would be a bonus...
  2. Firebaall

    first pass liver effects on cannabinoids/ THC ??

    Does it need to explain how it's created though? I mean we aren't discussing how and what happens when delta9 is metabolized into hydroxy. We are discussing the efficacy.
  3. Firebaall

    first pass liver effects on cannabinoids/ THC ??

    Permeability is what you need to be looking at. How easily the compound passes the blood brain barrier is what you should be asking. It's about how much exposure the THC has to the receptors. Take a look here for a better idea of what we're talking about:
  4. Firebaall

    first pass liver effects on cannabinoids/ THC ??

    Pharmacokinetically speaking? I'd say hydroxy THC is stronger, hands down, due to it's increased bio-availability alone. Subjectively speaking? Delta 9, if being "higher" for a shorter period is your metric, but then that flies in the counter balance of longer lasting/not as "high" with the...
  5. Firebaall

    first pass liver effects on cannabinoids/ THC ??

    You're Close. The effects of hydroxy THC being "stronger", is due to it's solubility, more than anything. Delta 9 THC has poor water solubility, and a high fat solubility. Hydroxy THC has a much better water solubility, and can pass the blood-brain barrier up to from as little as 3 times up...
  6. Firebaall

    first pass liver effects on cannabinoids/ THC ??

    No worries. If my Reddit-kung-fu has taught me anything: It's usually counter productive to get too invested in side arguments/points. :)
  7. Firebaall

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Keeping the vapour pathway glass is one of my compulsions. :)
  8. Firebaall

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    That's not a bad idea. I've been killing some time by looking up service issues on the plenty and mighty while waiting on a RMA ticket for my own Mighty (I was expecting a fight, since Canopy bought S&B, tbh...) I haven't seen any issues other than a single subjective case, saying that using...
  9. Firebaall

    first pass liver effects on cannabinoids/ THC ??

    That's only true of the partial amount that is absorbed sublingually. The bulk of a tincture ends up being swallowed, and doesn't bypass the liver on the first go around... Also, we aren't talking about THCv. That's a subject that deserves it's own topic considering the research is not...
  10. Firebaall

    first pass liver effects on cannabinoids/ THC ??

    The temperatures that THC-a vapourizes at does not change. It's a constant that both vapourization and combustion achieve. As to the finer points, independent of that fact: That link shows what happens concerning the metabolizing path of ingested vs inhaled. The real world results that you...
  11. Firebaall

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    How many of you guys are using the Plenty inverted? Have you noticed any build-up or other issues from prolonged use, holding it upside-down? Trying to see if just using it this way is problematic, or if I should be thinking about a hydratube of some sort...
  12. Firebaall

    Volcano Hybrid

    Another shower thought to consider: You're not supposed to leave the chamber on the volcano hybrid as per instruction. 30s to fill a bag and take it off? No problem. 30s to be finished using the whip? I see a problem... To those using the whip, how long is your session at temperature? Are...
  13. Firebaall

    first pass liver effects on cannabinoids/ THC ??

    There's no difference between smoking THC-a and vaping THC-a. The only difference is in smoking, you're "vapourizing" additional compounds at higher temperatures. Smoking is actually vapourization, technically speaking...
  14. Firebaall

    first pass liver effects on cannabinoids/ THC ??

    One of the best descriptions of what happens:
  15. Firebaall

    Volcano Hybrid

    I meant "warranty repair". My bad.... :P Hopefully they don't try and jerk me around. I've heard they can be great, but also terrible. How they handle my RMA will go a long way in helping me decide on buying a Plenty or Hybrid Volcano. They've had my unit since last Thursday, and no word...
  16. Firebaall

    Volcano Hybrid

    Sent my Mighty in for service, and the downtime is getting me to look at other options in the meantime. Looking the hybrid, I can't help to think that there isn't much innovation over the earlier volcanoes, other than the redesign of the filling chamber and the addition of the whip. Adding the...
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