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  1. axakal


    just a word of caution, they seem to have a glitch with the prices on their site. the prices in the cart don't match with the prices in the description. i emailed Rene about it, and he will take care of it.
  2. axakal


    :D yes, sometimes it's just about picking the right color for the shell :)
  3. axakal


    to the ones who got the yellow "egg", does it get dirty quickly?
  4. axakal

    Vaporizer for 70 year old

    wait, and he is not on heroin, coke or other hard stuff? there goes the qateway drug theory and the myth of only silly kids doing mj up until their early twenties. :)
  5. axakal

    Vaporizer for 70 year old

    don't forget to let us know, how he liked your choice. :)
  6. axakal

    The Magic-Flight Box

    the new black whip with the brass mouthpiece might be another item you would want to add to your collection. it should be available soon.
  7. axakal

    Changing the Habit

    don't know about the herbalizer, but my experience with the volcano is, that it's a "soft hitter". i get more and faster baked with the solo, mflb, vaponic or vapolution. the volcano just became the poster boy for vaporizers a decade or so ago, that image stuck. the unit has its merrits, but the...
  8. axakal

    Changing the Habit

    i was talking about the launch box. :)
  9. axakal

    The Magic-Flight Box

    thanks, that's exactly what i needed to know. they worn out quickly and only showed around 0,5Ah after a simple recharge, the refresh did some magic and i'm happy it worked. i know, they'll die eventually, but not before serving well their higher purpose. :)
  10. axakal


    i can easily see this thread explode like the lotus' thread did last year around this time. the vapman army is growing :)
  11. axakal

    The Magic-Flight Box

    is it the Ah value that counts and it should be at 2,5 after a complete refresh cycle, right? how often is it advised to do a refresh cycle?
  12. axakal


    after a summer break from FC i had to do some catch up work here. :) i was too divided between getting the lotus or the vapman. it's going to be the swiss model. wallnut basic, to be precise. :) thanks to all the usefull information from you guys. now i'm just waiting for the official release of...
  13. axakal

    Changing the Habit

    you should probably check out the vapman thread for a flame powered unit. the basic version isn't that expensive at all. the mflb is a true champion in the stealth department and also really affordable. plus - nothing beats their fantastic customer service and the life long warranty. life long...
  14. axakal

    The Magic-Flight Box

    i did two refresh cycles on the glyphs. some values on the display really increased in comparison to the previous simple charge. however, i don't know, whether i should do another refresh cycle or not. can the experts tell me, what the display should show in an (almost) ideal scenario? it's an...
  15. axakal

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    @Vapolution Vaporizers will there be a battery pack for the vap 3.0?
  16. axakal

    Muad-Dib Concentrate Box

    thanks @davesmith . maybe i should take a look in full melt production. :) as for the screens for the vapman, good to know about it, since i'm planning to buy one for a while already.
  17. axakal

    Changing the Habit

    i really hate it, when people come with the rituals bs. but those rituals fall apart at a closer look. first: there is the inconsistency of the rolled joints. half of "the ritualists" are not even able to roll a decent joint on their own. second: there is a good reason for the "don't boggart the...
  18. axakal

    Muad-Dib Concentrate Box

    here in Germany wax is not available, i don't even know, if you can find it in the Netherlands. one can chose between flowers and hard pressed hash. i tried the mflb with hash using the unscreened concentrates tray and was wondering, if the muad dib would perform better, since it is made for...
  19. axakal

    Muad-Dib Concentrate Box

    does concentrates actualy include maroc hash? i'd be happy to hear some reports on how the muad dib performs with it.
  20. axakal

    Changing the Habit

    i can relate to your college blazing experiences. huge, epic sessions, with loads of weed blazed. those were the times. :) but in hindsight also so much money wasted compared to vaping with the same intensity. :) i slowly convinced two of my friends to switch to vape only. now i'm not the only...
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