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  1. Lo

    Log vape tube cleaning vials?

    If you look in the section of store where they sell travel sized toiletries they usually have containers for lotions, etc. You should be able to find one easily and cheaply there if you know the dimensions you need.
  2. Lo

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I love seeing all the creative photos!!
  3. Lo

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Woot! Welcome to FC folks!! @fishtripper! So glad to hear you are doing better since starting MJ use. Best of luck!!!!
  4. Lo

    My hometown, destroyed. Boo.

    :( I have been watching this on the news :( So sad!! I'm glad you are okay. Hope you hear from your friends soon. Sending positive vibes!!!
  5. Lo

    E-Cigarette (not for THC use)

    I too have done the ISO soak to clean attys. Sometimes they go back to functioning well, other times I just toss them. If I get 3-4 weeks out of them I feel I've gotten my money's worth plus I LOVE new atty day ROFL!! @Jeff I have sampled some Totally Twisted liquids. They are good. Haven't...
  6. Lo

    Who wears sunglasses all the time?

    Woot! Love me some "Curb" - Ready for new season! I am a sunglass whore! I have at least 3 pairs on hand at all times as I tend to be rough on my stuff. I can't do outside without them but I do try to remember to take them off indoors. Here in FL... we need shades lol.
  7. Lo

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    I experimented quite a bit without water and was surprised at how cool/smooth the vapor was. I do like using with water but honestly the hydratube works VERY well with no water at all. The flavor is still very good with water but a tad better flavor with no water IMHO. My beta has not had the...
  8. Lo

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    I can't say enough good about this vape! I have thoroughly enjoyed testing and when I had to go out of town for a few days... I missed it A LOT!! I can't wait for production models to get out there. I do think people will be blown away by the Cloud. The smooth hits are fantastic. The glass...
  9. Lo

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Woot! Congrats Tom & Pammy!!!! Hope you had a fabulous anniversary....and many more of course! Love seeing all the pix! Djonk...yours cracked me UP!! Nice!!
  10. Lo

    E-Cigarette (not for THC use)

    lol Jeff! I got to meet the Totally Twisted Texas and Madvapes people this past weekend. Such nice folks!! Can't say enough nice about them. They donated stuff for our raffle and were just awesome people. Another newer juice vendor I met and really liked was Bombay Vaping...
  11. Lo

    My first vape

    As stated above the EQ can do bags or whip hits though I am not a bag fan myself. I don't have the EQ but I do own an SSV. It is a great heavy hitter that would appease a heavy bong smoker even I think. No complaints from me on the SSV. Easy to use and works very well. No fancy electronics...
  12. Lo

    The Magic-Flight Box

    If you need to go super stealth mode you should load the box and take a few puffs before you leave home or wherever. I call those first couple puffs tasty puffs as you get much of the flavenoids out.. Once you do that you are left with a trench that will be less smelly. Works like a charm!
  13. Lo

    E-Cigarette (not for THC use)

    OMG.. Yeah it was so much fun Frog and JustJulie...well she is JustFabulous! I adore her SOOO much :) So sorry you couldn't be there. Yeah Matt was there with pipe porn galore and I am trying to hold myself back but really feeling the urge to grab one of his pipes as coffee table art. I can't...
  14. Lo

    The Magic-Flight Box

    The discounts only work on certain items. From what I hear the LB is one of the items that coupon codes don't always work. I have heard if you call Vape World's 1-800 # they might cut you a deal. I went to a giant ecig meetup this past weekend, Vapestock. Decided to bring some...
  15. Lo

    E-Cigarette (not for THC use)

    OMG Frog! I can't tell you how excited I was this weekend. At Vapestock here in Florida...the epipe mod guy came to the event. Brought a ton of his pipes and his giant "hammer of Thor" which is sized like a cordless drill. More of a novelty but O...M...G! His wood work is AMAZING! He is a...
  16. Lo

    E-Cigarette (not for THC use)

    WOW!! What a pipe!!! That looks fantastic!!!! ROFL! I have a couple 26650's charged and ready...getting my Helix this weekend at Vapestock! Whee! I shall report back next batteries should last 3-5 days depending on use. Great stuff!
  17. Lo

    Has anyone been watching Game of Thrones on HBO?

    Glad to see this thread! I started DVR'ing it in hopes it would be worth watching. Haven't seen an episode yet but ya'all are making me want to catch up :D
  18. Lo

    The Magic-Flight Box

    You could sand off the writing if you feel you need to but I would NOT sand off the serial number as you need that for warranty support. The etched printing isn't terribly deep.
  19. Lo

    I broke my right foot yesterday morning. :(

    :( Man... I feel for you! Have not broken a foot but I've broken my hand good hand too ROFL!! Years ago when hand was broken I had a neighbor that would sit and roll joints for me each night :D after a week or so he brought me one of those rolly machines to see if I could manage...
  20. Lo

    Aahaa; got busted by my sister

    ROFL! I'm with Mom! Same damn thing. I hate having to hide or lie...would be nice to just come out of the closet so to speak :) Meh Tom! It is nice that she checks up on you and all but I feel your pain. Like having a babysitter lol.
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