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  1. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    When I say Char, I mean the kief (and leaves if i have that at 8.2+) look black. There is no cherry and no visible combustion, but the kief or plant matter or whatever looks and almost has a consistency like coal; Black and it crumbles to the touch and leaves a "soot" like trail.
  2. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    @as, do you not find the kief to char at 10? I vape kief a lot (recently bought 5g of kief) but the more I vape with my e-nano I'm finding 10 to be too high for pretty much anything for me. I seem to combust any kief or qwiso or hash I vape at a 10. Maybe its my draw speed, but even with a...
  3. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I ordered my e-nano and it arrived around 7 days later to the UK. I don't think anything has changed too drasticly. He forgot to include a stem in my package but that arrived ~4 days later not including bank holidays.
  4. Silent

    The Cloud EVO Anticipation Thread

    Honestly i'm surprised more people aren't more angry. I guess people have kind of given up now. Any other launch going this badly would have people up in arms. Instead people have just given up and VXL are off promoting their nails and heat sleeves to the US like nothing is wrong at all...
  5. Silent

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    VXL decided to not send us these devices either
  6. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I can't find this on Amazon UK, is it named something other than 316l/316t wool in this country anyone who is British?
  7. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Changed, Especially for you! Also, Snoop has his own vape out now, the G Pen! EDIT: So I tried vaping some QWISO that I made for the first time yesterday. I put a tiny bit of cotton (from my partners facial pad, I tore it open, all we had lol) into the glass and then put 0.07 of my QWISO on...
  8. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I've owned a volcano and I can assure you, you made the right choice. Volcano used to be the king but technology progressed.
  9. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    So its not so much a temperature thing just that the Kief could keep on going? It did seem quite moist? It had been clumped very compressed at the bottom of the grinder for a good few months
  10. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    So my glass stem arrived today (it was supposed to come with the vape originally, I emailed Andy and he said he would send one but I'd honestly forgotten about it!) with a free epik. Thanks guys at epicvape and thank you for the handwritten appology Nadia! What temperature do you guys vape...
  11. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    What strain is this? Looks delicious! I bet I can guess what site it was...:lol:
  12. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Post that shit in the FC Olympics thread! Sick video man!
  13. Silent

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    If you live anywhere other than the US, don't bother. If you're american and have the disposible income, Evo is the way to go.
  14. Silent

    The Cloud EVO Anticipation Thread

    Any idea when those units will post and if it includes preorders? Ive had no official contact from them about this other than SMs forum post
  15. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Happy 4/20 everyone. To celebrate I'm hosting a "Cannabis Conniseur" night with my e-nano and a few friends. Plan to taste various different strains through a nice clean bubbler like we're wine tasting. I can't wait, I have 4 different strains all saved up ready! Happy Easter too, how lucky we...
  16. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I've had this a few days now and I'm still amazed by it. My sessions have gone from 0.3 - 0.5g in my old vape to 0.1 - 0.15g in this one. Incredible.
  17. Silent


    I just sold my used Volcano on Ebay for ~£200... I remember seeing a lot of volcanos priced at around the same price, which is about £100 off a new one. Some even included bags. Might be worth a look there too. You could get a lucky bid in too you never know! :)
  18. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    No problem man! :tup:
  19. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Well, Dinners ready. I couldn't even finish the kief bowl. I set my nano to 7.5 and thought "Oh, this bowl is only small" (probably around 0.1g kief? Maybe less...) "I'll be able to one hit this easily!". So I pulled. And pulled. And pulled. And then coughed my lungs out. This tiny bowl...
  20. Silent

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I am just about to try a small kief bowl before dinner, will report back as to how it went. I have to have done literally hundreds of kief elbows in my EQ so I have a wide "sample range" to compare too!
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