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  1. Duba

    Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood

    it could. it depends how larger they are?
  2. Duba

    Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood

    I read in the past on the Lil'bud website (before becoming a furniture site) that it can be used with a 21700 battery (or 20700 i don't remind). Have I dreamed? or Somebody tried this? with wich results? If possible, these batteries are supposed to give better results than the classics ones...
  3. Duba

    Have we reached the portable end game?

    agreed. Well, reading all of you, I come to the conclusion (more complex than my first idea) that VAS is real because it's a subtle mix of different things : -unsatisfied smokers looking for an endgame -medical use -another consumerist jail -experience -obsession It's interesting because I...
  4. Duba

    Have we reached the portable end game?

    interesting thoughts there! thanks! Innovation has the resource to satiate our VAS and invent new toys. (I trust the engineering of the stoners...) I agree with the idea (a little) expressed here that the VAS would try to fill an unsatisfied desire to regain the feeling of power of smoke. I'm...
  5. Duba

    Dreamwood Glow

    Thank you GlodenBud! Since few weeks i'm using my Glow18 (V3), my first 510vape, and i'm searching the good way to perform without found it. I read your post and i tried. Now i have good results with simple drawing feeling. With a long glass stem, it's perfect!
  6. Duba

    Firewood Vaporizer

    What about the drop this sunday? Did I miss it? We are few hours after "9PM est" and it's already sold out.
  7. Duba

    Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood

    Unfortunately, i broke the glass tube of the mouthpiece:( sad because i like this wood&glass combo! Anyone knows where can i find a new one? is it a 12mm or 11mm OD diameter? thanks for helping
  8. Duba

    Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood

    I'd like to know the process to make it myself! @el sargantano : Could you help me? send me instruction and materiel to make it? thank you
  9. Duba

    Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood

    Does anyone here have any information about the Lil'bud battery gauge we see on a video (p92)? It's a small accessory that would be very useful to me. Is it possible to build it or buy it?
  10. Duba

    Dynavap VapCap I prefer my Omni and i sold my...
  11. Duba

    Dreamwood Roasty

    Hello, i tested and validated a great combo : (home made) Roasty duo on sherlock! I like the Roasty, it gives me some nice clouds in 2 or 3 hits. I prefer to use my dab's torch otherwise I have to heat for a long time with my single-flame. At the end, the Avb is brown dark. Little too dark in...
  12. Duba

    Dreamwood Glow

    Hello, About my issue with the mouthpiece, Joel fixed it quickly sending me a new one. Now it works great! And like Joel and his company are friendly, he sent me for free another wood mouthpiece from the older collection! Yes, i confirm!
  13. Duba

    Dreamwood Glow

    Glow 18 v3 with wood mouthpiece (walnut). Joel will fix it! thanks
  14. Duba

    Dreamwood Glow

    Hi, I received the new Glow few days ago, it works great and it's a beautifull piece of art! I'm still learnig to use it but it looks like a good one! But i have a little issue : the mouthpiece doesn't hold well on the Glow, if I turn it over it falls off. Is it normal? Do you have a tip for me...
  15. Duba

    Dablamp E-Rig

    Hello, Welcome here! I'm interested too to test your product. I press my rosin so i could multiplicate the tests! Based in EU. Thank you!
  16. Duba

    Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood

    If you go to visit his website, you can see that Mr Stefano didn't disappear, he have a new site with new products, photos etc... And also a mail contact : SUPPORT@VAPWOOD.COM
  17. Duba

    Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood

    What a fuck! I'm sad for you all! I found mine in second hand, so i didn't deal anything with this guy...
  18. Duba

    Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood

    Mike is coming back! (but without any vaporizer🙈) :
  19. Duba

    Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood

    Would someone be able to give me some information about this unit? which bach? is it one of the last ones released? There are only 2 ventilation holes. Thank you. (I have a feeling it won't be the manufacturer here...)
  20. Duba

    Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood

    Hello I had a used Lil'bud since few days ago. The post is dead here? The manufacturer disappeared? I'm learning about how to use it but i already like it, it seems to be a strong unit with strong capacities! Great design and great quality. If you have any tips to give me for better...
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