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  1. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    Someone mentioned tossing a dart in in their toaster oven @ 180-200f. Anyone ever try this? I imagine it would speed up evaporation if in a pinch.
  2. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    Yes! Time to get one ordered. I wonder if there some assembled for shipping. Only one way to find out.
  3. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    I am actually about half way through making my own style adapter. I am just waiting on a metric die to cut the 510 threading. Also waiting on the ptfe insulator tubing for center post of adapter. Hoping to have a few samples for testing this weekend or early next week. Only thing, I need a ceo...
  4. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    Mine should be here tomorrow! I did receive my new aw imr batteries. Lighthound definitely is a good source. The batteries were mailed the same day I purchased them. I have been tempted to shoot TET an email in regards to buying just a ceo core. I wanted to wait until they were catching up on...
  5. Globbs

    Discontinued Vaporblunt 2.0 & VB 2.0 DLX

    I agree100%. They are only pictures. Now can we see some? Please
  6. Globbs

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    I do like the idea of the glass oil tank. Very interested in seeing this unit perform. Like many, I wait in anticipation for the videos and beta reviews. I think it would be nice design if the flower and oil chambers were separate from each other. The ability to have one unit loaded with both...
  7. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    This is why I love this forum! A community of people with similar interests, looking out for each other. The more time I spend here, the more I learn.
  8. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    I would call them first. I tried ordering one a few months back and they said it was back ordered. I laughed and said when do they expect them, because the manufacturer is no longer making them. That was months ago! Shady ass company!
  9. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    Excellent point Jam. I assumed that the ceo cart had air ports built into the core. Guess we kinda need someone with experience to answer this question. Where's OF? Judging from the pictures on OF's mod, there might be no need for the air path notches. But we all know assuming does not lead to...
  10. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    So here's my update so far. The first design is nearly complete. It will pretty much look like a standard 510 extension, just with a wider diameter to accept the 3/8 threading. It will hopefully have a sealed brass center pin insulated with ptfe. I am trying to source the Teflon tubing. Just...
  11. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    I will definitely let you know pricing as soon as I can do a case study. I need to get pricing on materials. Also depends on how fast I can make/ machine them etc... I was only going to make a sleeve for the outer body. But a small insulator over the dart core could help keep heat inside. What...
  12. Globbs

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Slime! That's why i asked about the possibility of incorporating it into the lattice.
  13. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    I was planning on making a heat sleeve for the ultra power supply. I wanted something custom for heat protection. We build injection molding dies where I work. If needed I could use our 5 axis cnc. Anything is possible as far as I am concerned. Once I get an adapter made I probably will have...
  14. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    I will certainly keep everyone in the loop. The design is pretty straight forward. Just a few pieces to the puzzle needed. First few will be plain brass to see if it functions correctly. Gave lighthound a call and now have 2 14500 on the way. The last 2 in stock! The rep said next week they...
  15. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    I didn't get my email from the ecig store. Might have to give them a call. So ends up I have delrin stock already. Also have some brass stock for 510 to 3/8 24. Will spend my weekend designing adapter! Now to find a 510 die. already have the 3/8 tap. Let's get this made!
  16. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    I believe the vaporizer market will take off in next year. With new technology and battery advancement, it seems like sky is the limit for portable vaporizers. Thanks for the battery links guys! Both places were sold out though. Probably from all of us. Lol. What chargers are you guying...
  17. Globbs

    Crazy Glass You Want

    Quave klien recycler and anything from mothership. Their stuff is boss!
  18. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    It's only a mater of time before someone makes an adapter. I was even thinking of drilling the cap and tapping it to the 3/8 thread. I will have to measure it and see if there is enough metal. That would be a super easy mod! Although OF's wing nut mod is effin cool. Imo
  19. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    Muchas gracias Jam. Now to order some delrin stock. Going to make my own heat sleeve. Should only take a few hours. I'm fortunate to have access to manual bridgeports and lathes at work. If I had a print I would start making 510 to 3/8 24 adapters. I believe the new cera carts are 3/8 24...
  20. Globbs

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    Sorry to hear about your loss. Did you drop it off the ski lift? I have lost so much glass to the mountains in the last 15 years! Thanks for the link Jam! Just grabbed one for myself. Hopefully I will see it midweek. Now time for some fresh batteries. Any recommendations on where to buy?
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