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  1. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hello Im thinking of getting a PA for my LB. What is the difference between a LB with a PA and a dedicated desktop vape? How does the LB with a PA compare to some of the big names like Volcano and Silver Surfer? Is the difference so great that I might as well hold on to my money and fork out...
  2. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    OK well the mods have said no further discussion, so Ill abide by that. I do want to make one thing very clear, despite the negativity surrounding my posts, I really do like the LB and think its a fantastic vape. I dont want people to think that I am in any way disappointed in how it...
  3. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Other people on the forum have reported the same problem in the past. Mod note: There is to be no more discussion in the thread on this customer/company issue.
  4. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    MF isn't going to offer quibble free replacements forever if he believes that the vast majority are due to user error. As for the faulty design, its a conclusion based on my limited sample of 3 LBs. I may be completely wrong. If the replacement policy hadnt been changed so that the customer...
  5. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    From reading your posts concerning this I have formed the opinion that in your mind virtually every replacement you have ever issued has been issued due to user error rather than a fault with the LB. With that seed of an idea in your head, your customer service can only suffer.
  6. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    It also protects the edges of the screen. Perhaps you didnt realise that it also provides that function.
  7. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    As I said I have no objections to returning the LB provided you pay for the postage, however I dont have the old ones. I am fairly certain that you wouldnt expect someone to keep hold of the old ones for any length of time, so Im a little uncertain as to why you would be asking me to return...
  8. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Why .. because I have experienced problems with 2 of the 3 boxes I have owned and am voicing my concerns of paying the postage on future replacements? Would you rather people have problems and not mention them in open forum?
  9. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    The principle really does matter to me. I set-up large networks. If I make a mistake or something isnt done to the clients specification, I have to rectify the problem and encore 100% of the costs. I don't make mistakes often, but like everyone else I do make the odd one now and again. If it...
  10. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    MF comes across as a nice guy and I truly believe he is. From my own point of view, when something that I have taken good care of has the same proble twice in a row, that to me suggests an underlying issue. If there is an underlying issue (if) then it isnt going to go away by itself and...
  11. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Both of my boxes had problems with the screen. I have never touched the screen with anything but the brush. Thats why I think there is some kind of design flaw. Other than this, I am very happy with the LB.. but I do think there is an issue with the screen and I do envisage future...
  12. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    No I certainly wouldn't object to that. My objection isnt returning the LB its paying for the return.
  13. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    If they worked as intended there would be no need to replace anything. Stop and think for a second, you arent doing anyone any favours, you are simply replacing units that are faulty. If they didnt go wrong you would never need to replace them. So sending out 3 replacements implies that the...
  14. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    If that is the case, then why did you change the design to include an O ring in the bowl? Surely this was added because there was a problem.
  15. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    You are not getting value unless you broke the LB yourself. If you buy something and it breaks in an unreasonable period of time (2 years is considered the benchmark) then any money you spend rectifying the problem is not value. That money increases the cost of ownership so in effect the LB is...
  16. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    It dosent matter what the cost is. Any cost is unacceptable. I dont intend to pay anything if the fault is down to the construction of the LB. People seem to loose perspective of what the warranty is. It isn't a favour. The UK sale of goods act means that no seller of the LB could legally...
  17. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Could MF confirm this? If this is the case, then I am going to start moving away from the LB. I'm on my second replacement and as I havent got the protective O ring for the bowl on my new LB I am expecting the sides to slip down the bowl at some point. (It happened on the last 2 even though I...
  18. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    It just stops the lid from bending upwards. If it just had a pin rather than the clip, the pin would form a weak point.
  19. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    IS this new? I have had 2 replacements so far and never been asked to send the old one back.
  20. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    agreed I get 6-8 hits from 0.1g My hits are about 10-15 seconds in duration.
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