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  1. Particle

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    My Wood one won't turn on. Bought it 2 weeks ago. Already dead. Hope to get a replacement one soon.
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    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I was wondering how to pour the liquid from the Da Vinci Essential Aromatherapy Blends (Calm, Energy, etc..) into the jars. I don't know how to make the oil go out :\
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    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Cheers! Will do.
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    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Just received my Ascent 1 hour ago! :smug: I couldn't find isopropyl alcohol near my location, so I ordered it on Internet. What can I use instead for the very first cleaning of my Ascent? Maybe 95% alcohol would do until I get my ISO ?
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    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Thanks Reflections for the advices. I could somehow cancel my order. Is there another better offer elsewhere? If anyone knows, it would be a great help. Osn Dosn, I am from Europe and I ordered it directly from the official website.
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    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I read that the very first vapes had a bad silicone taste or something? And that people were used to do burnoffs (I suppose that means using the Vaporizer with nothing inside the chamber). Sorry for my noobism :( By the way, finally bought these ...
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    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Hello, new user here, freshly ordered the Ascent, should receive it within days, and was wondering on the very first things to do for a virgin Ascent so it works properly in the future? Also, anyone knows where I can order those Glass flowers? Thanks in advance.
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