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  1. M

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I've had way too much going on to be on here as much and missed 5-10 pages I need to read back on. That said, not sure if this has been mentioned but the VI is generally great once you dial it in, but subsequent heat cycles can vary a bit where you need to take the indicator to before stopping...
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    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Ben said the engraver should be delivered later this week in an update to me a few days ago 🤞
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    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Having used mine probably 1000 times in the few months I've had it, I can say it is absolutely easy on the throat. Even high temp heats and sessions are pretty smooth until the device itself is too hot for me too hold (not common, only when I'm REALLY looking to rip multiple bowls in quick...
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    Induction Heater MAD Heaters - Innovative Dynavap Accessories

    Oh I like this... will have to pick up whenever the kit for the early release Tempests are ready.
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    Vacuum sealing mason jars to extend life

    I'm still reading about it but I'm not as concerned about oxygen damage, but moisture levels throughout. From what I understand, when the vacuum is created, the moisture at the surface of the plant boils and evaporates away due to the decreased pressure. This stops at the surface level, though...
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    Vacuum sealing mason jars to extend life

    Only a 7-9% loss is incredible and lends to the idea there is benefit to the Boost/Boveda packs, interesting! I tested on a jar before I vac sealed one with flower and it was definitely a hefty seal that required elbow grease to get off. I have a few grams sealed without a humidity pack to...
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    Vacuum sealing mason jars to extend life

    Thank you, I had actually missed that one! Regarding humidity packs, I have done additional research and I think all these people are wrong because the assumption is based on a perfect vacuum. You're never going to get a perfect vacuum out of consumer grade jar sealers and as a vacuum is...
  8. M

    Vacuum sealing mason jars to extend life

    I saw some things discussed but not all my questions like the efficacy of Boost packs and the effect on moisture. My question isn't about the correct way to store bud, but more on the benefits and any possible risks of storing through vacuum sealed mason jars which I wasn't satisfied from the...
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    Vacuum sealing mason jars to extend life

    I bought a mason jar vacuum sealer off an Amazon deal for $20-25 thinking it would help preserve the flower longer, but I keep questioning myself on this... does anyone have experience with doing this? I've read that it can preserve the cure quality and potency for up to 2-3 years, but I am not...
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    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Guessing either the large Aroma-3 or his new desktop vape? Regarding earlier messages about soaking the bearings in ISO, Ben said the Better Bearings ones could flash rust which it won't matter about relubricating if that happened. Best to remove the bearing for cleaning if you have any...
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    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    I wonder how much more the titanium would be over the current size... if it's cut from the same block size I dunno if we're paying for the price of the block or for the finished titanium piece with regards to material. It'll wear down the custom tools with more cutting so that would probably be...
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    Nautilus Sherlock Dry Herb Vaporizer 3x Giveaway

    Super boof has quickly made its way to the top of my list this year.
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    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Mine certainly has an Aroma to it, but I keep it in a Stashlogix Alma bag so if I were to leave it out I don't know if it would continue to smell as strongly.
  14. M

    Smell proof case recommendations

    This all day every day. I bought the large Silverton off a recommendation in a thread earlier this year and ended up getting the RiNo, a couple Highlands, and a couple Alma bags to store most the rest of my stuff. They work extremely well and are high quality. The zippers are beasts to use at...
  15. M

    Titanium grinder

    Very good point I missed! I anodized mine an electric blue which I love but it's worth noting if you got an Aroma in titanium the anodizing is not perfect... as in its not uniform in color with the oxide layer and can look splotchy in spots. There's a ton of surface prep that goes into having...
  16. M

    Titanium grinder

    In my experience with a titanium Aroma-3 the past half year, titanium has a few benefits over SS: 1) lighter, as you stated (almost half the weight of SS at 280g vs 480g for the Aroma) 2) non-reactive (ss is too) 3) non-toxic/inert - does not impart taste 4) stronger - teeth will stay...
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    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    His engraving machine broke and he's working on replacing it. He gave me an update on the two I have ordered a couple days ago. I didn't think they would make it by Christmas (one is a gift) but he said he's almost done setting up FedEx for shipping which should only take ~4 days to deliver to...
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    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I havent mentioned zirc that I recall but the best answer is satisfying my own tinkering curiosity vs what came with the Tempest. I'm thinking SiC is a good trade off for heat retention and heating times vs zirc (but have no personal experience to compare), while still possibly holding enough...
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    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I was thinking of getting some SiC balls to try so I can see how they do with low temp extractions or larger concentrate quantities... is there anything to look for or anywhere in particular I should go (or avoid) to get them? The smallest I've found was a bag of ~100 3mm balls for $20 from...
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    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    I have one from the first run I love to death and a second one Ben is working with my picky ass on anodizing right now. My real question is will there be a titanium large version to make a trio (and can I afford it 😅)?
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