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  1. tig420

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    just pre ordered even though i really dont use any of my other thermovape products at all i am hoping this will be the one that i cant put down, plus i hate not having the new shit
  2. tig420

    The MMA Discussion Dojo

    he didnt even stop bj. bjs corner stopped him from fighting the 5th round or else it would have been another decision for gsp. when anderson stops stops somebody they usually cant even make it to the post fight presser they are so fucked up. GSP is a good fighter but he is very boring and i...
  3. tig420

    The MMA Discussion Dojo

    yet another GSP decision this guy cant finish anybody. the last guy he actually finished was Serra like 80 years ago. GSP sucks and i hope the feed him to the spider, lets see if he can lay on a real natural born killer
  4. tig420

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    i have never ending problems with this thing too. i had a mouthpiece stick like that and i tried to push it out from the other side and it broke my pax so be careful they replaced it but i dont think they wanted to i told them it was the third time i have to send this device back for...
  5. tig420

    Gear Need help finding a travel Dab rig/Concentrate Bubbler
  6. tig420

    Inhalater or Arizer Solo

    i have all of the vapes you are looking at and the inhalater is my favorite hands down
  7. tig420

    The Magic-Flight Box

    lighter fluid also works really good to get sticky shit off
  8. tig420

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    ordered from theotherside last night i cant wait to get it and compare it to the rest of my arsenal i love the pax but it is just takes so much care for it to work properly im hoping the inhalater will be less problematic
  9. tig420

    Gear Best glass for dabs? some beer glass here
  10. tig420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    nothing illegal about buying a vaporizer i dont know what everyone is so worried about. got my cloud the other day and all i have to say is that it lives up to my expectations and more i love it
  11. tig420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    my cloud has shipped fucking excited like a fat kid at a candy store
  12. tig420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    i feel you on that
  13. tig420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    just took advantage of the discount and bought a cloud even though i prob shouldn't have.....fuck it im sure it will be well worth it
  14. tig420

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    got my replacement from ploom a second ago i cant wait to get this charged and be back in pax action again
  15. tig420

    Arizer Solo

    i just sold my m107 to my roommate which is good because it will not be far away hes always commuting to work and needed something for the drive it was my second one ive sold and i really like it but my buddies just seem to throw down offers on em. now i need ploom to hurry and send my...
  16. tig420

    The HI

    im having camera problems but its a purle heart HI
  17. tig420

    Underdog Log Vapes

    i also use my dogs with water only and i love it everyone should have one in their collection
  18. tig420

    The HI

    i just got my HI recently and i got a vvps you just have to find your spot and it works great
  19. tig420

    The HI

    the one alan sells is smaller but not digital
  20. tig420

    Can i vape hash with arizer EQ

    yes crank it up high and get after it
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