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  1. Tehmongoose

    Herb Grinders

    I guess puffitup has it wrong too, they also sell, gasp have Mediums! They only sell scs's in small medium and large. Strange. And I measured mine. It's 2.2. I guess that makes mine a "small".
  2. Tehmongoose

    Herb Grinders

    Odd, since it came from scs. Maybe it's because it's a 3 piece?
  3. Tehmongoose

    The Herbalizer

    I took lazythes advice and did a run of balloons in the herbie and the grinder them and then shook them about (no bb) and got huge milky clouds every hit! Thanks again! This forum is gold. Still haven't found any easter eggs.
  4. Tehmongoose

    Herb Grinders

    My medium scs is perfect! And it's like grinding air. Ypu can flip it upside down for a finer grind. I use the 3 piece. And they are same day delivery on amazon prime!
  5. Tehmongoose

    Herb Grinders

    Santa cruz shredder! She's a green colored beaut! I love her!
  6. Tehmongoose

    Help Identify This Piece!

    American made glass co. Their a decent group of blowers that happened from the roor split.
  7. Tehmongoose

    What are the best head shops in the USA?

    Mikes and ignition in Hollywood, ca. Right next to each other competing for biz.
  8. Tehmongoose

    Help Identify This Piece!

    Looks like an amg
  9. Tehmongoose

    Mobius Glass

    I'd agree anything the 60t can do the 50t can do better. The 50t is one of the best matrix pieces mobius makes. Imho.
  10. Tehmongoose

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I ordered my peyote pillar perc of dh gate. Big fan! Even if it's not true boro it's some quality glass. Me and all my friends prefer it to my mobius matrix and rokman double chamber.
  11. Tehmongoose

    The Herbalizer

    I just joined the club on the 18th and retired my,volcano the same day. This is the best vape I have ever used and I have owned and used alot of vapes! I love all the features, the whip, the way the bags work and how big the numbers are on the lcd. The bag and whip are not to mention how much...
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