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  1. B

    Filtered 'bowl' vapes

    HI all, I must say, a friend of mine sold me his glass vapo bowl, unluckily 14.5mm but whats interesting the metal cap sits on glass vg perfectly and that makes it another variation of glass VG :D Immediately, I removed the screen with a needle. It has better airflow and taste, as was...
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    The HD Vape

    oh bad news... HD vape's broken :(( not when the seller isn't selling them! does somebody has 1 fs? oh jeez.. I am sad now, it was really cool vape attachement.
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    Discontinued MagickWand Vaporizer

    420 year warranty FTW :D
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    Glass VaporGenie

    lol .. I couldnt believe that price, so I ordered one just for try, had really small amount of euros at my account so I was like whatever,.... and it seems it works :D lol ... I couldn find ONE proper Jet lighter at like 5 local headshops ... and the one located 120 km away offer one for like 10...
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    Glass VaporGenie

    I seriously consider to make a video, which will show how bad quality are those ceramic VG filtters... it leaves dust and soot and consequently shrinks its size. I am glad now that im not inhaling it anymore because I use Glass VG with HDvape which works even better ... review coming soon
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    Vapolamp a take on radiant/convection heat for "moist/dense" material.

    and btw: first time I saw this video on youtube I was like O_O wow ... seems like there is regular heating method and then on the next leve there are - radiant / UV / infrared / light powered systems ...
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    Vapolamp a take on radiant/convection heat for "moist/dense" material.

    is it really impossible to make vapolamp with vapors touching only glass? for us, glass-o-holics ... I believe not only me would be willing to pay higher price for such device and with the current prices of various vaporizers, it wouldn be such miss.. .. All-Glass Vapolamp ...
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    The HD Vape

    I must say this vape is growing on me... the taste is same or above the one coming from VG ceramic filter even with bic lighter, however shows bigger traces of butane - not if you can keep the flame not touching the glass .... torch lighter would absolutely remove this issue, shorten the...
  9. B

    The HD Vape

    HDvape finally came... I must say ,,, IT FITS GLASS VG perfectly ! was able to manage some very good hits ... firt impressions: heating time is longer than with VG filter.. must use bigger flame.. . however I found that its nearly impossible to combust with HDvape... I didnt try torch lighter...
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    The HD Vape

    Thats interesting, when did you buy it? You've got the pipe + bong attachement + diffusor?
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    The HD Vape

    I bought 3 Glass VGs, made wholesale inquiry and my friend bought VG Bat on my recommendation... and they refused to send me new GVG Top ... I say well .. OK , whatever... will try something else
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    The HD Vape

    Yes, I was like, why not to try? its still cheaper than new VG filter :) but I didnt buy it yet because the owner doesn't answer email but boy I want it now :ninja:: I will then for sure post the HDvape review and comparison with the GVG
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    The HD Vape

    Thanks Mich, You mean 24mm is the ground glass heigh? if the diameter is 18mm it SHOULD fit to my Glass Vaporgenie bowl then. The seller is appearantly still on vacation
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    The HD Vape

    How big is the GonG fitting on the HDvape diffuser please? is it 18mm?
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    Glass VaporGenie vs VaporStar comparison review

    2stinkmeaner: thank you for those links, the most appealing to me is Vapocane, but I don't like how big the hot part is,... if I can burn myself just with vaporstar :D I would seriously hurt myself with that thing...also the inhaled butane isn't an issue with a torch lighter + quality butane...
  16. B

    Filtered 'bowl' vapes

    Welcome, its nice to see somebody who has vaporstar and vapo-bowl, thanks for the review. I quite dont understand this, so when its hotter it should be easy to combust .... U know the metal vapo-bowl cost in our local headshop 3 Euros, in contrast to Azarius where they got it for 7.50 ...
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    420 things to do when your stoned !

    93. rehempefy the UK with Charlie
  18. B

    Glass VaporGenie vs VaporStar comparison review

    Thank you stinkmeaner for these suggestions, I would be really happy if somebody could make new top piece and the pipe for me, but I really don't know any glass blower around :( I live in an area hostile to everything related to mj so the nearest glasswork is far as mj decriminalization...
  19. B

    Glass VaporGenie vs VaporStar comparison review

    Hello there, bad update: I broke my second Glass VG :( ....sad accident... jeez, I have bad luck with this pipe... But it's not dead yet. Luckily, the pipe can be held by rubber bands, and works well with good seal....also better access to the residue on the other hand :P what is worse...
  20. B

    The HD Vape

    can anybody owning HDVape post a photo of the heat diffuser from above / bottom? :) thank you
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