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    Discontinued Vaporstar portable vaporizer review

    :D yea thats funny .. when stoned, my friends are even dummer than they are usually. they often try to open the bowl with hands :D anyway my VS' metal cap fitted also very snug to the bowl but after a time of usage, it becomes less "snuggy" and actualy nowadays it often falls out the bowl and...
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    any1 got glass VG?
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    w0w !@$!@ ... I would get cold after hitting that :D
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    I bet Progress made up that contest :D
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    Discontinued Vaporstar Vaporizer

    yes I agree, micro-pipe design is really cool but could have better glass quality.
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    :) thank you stonemonkey. So in general, jet-flo is for more experienced vaporists and regular for me :P jk. I think i will get both anyway.. thank you
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Vtac - thank you very much :) I still don't fully understand the jetflo - does it have different airflow? Anyway I will take a time and list all pages in this thread.
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    and forgive me if this is stupid question, does VWT pro model have an ice catcher?
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    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    yea really superior warranty service. :) I wish every manufacturer offer this. CapnVape: what i know, only koss have life-time warranty caused also by user's error :P
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    can any1 please explain me differences between jet-flo and regular ?
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    Discontinued Vaporstar portable vaporizer review

    Thank you SuperTorch - I didnt know he offers additional glassware. max: Yes definitely human assistence :D but that micro-pipe really shattered itself, I only held it with my 2 fingers and a really small piece of glass fell out of the surface in the 'O' ring. Maybe there is glass really...
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    Discontinued Vaporstar portable vaporizer review

    Yes, the Micro-pipe is well-designed but the glass is not so durable imo. Mine was shattered after one day of usage. At least, I can keep the leather pouch :P
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    Herborizer corner

    It seems like very good value for the money then anyway imho.
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    Herborizer corner

    Ive recently found a 'pipe herborizer' offered on french version. This kit costs 149? which is interesting, because the injector unit alone costs 189?
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    That looks like a good deal SM. Are those new sleeves better?
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    jcw919 what glassware you will use with that? how much it costed you + shipping?
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    ssv pickup

    nice pictures :D :P
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    Discontinued Vaporstar Vaporizer

    Well, I have tried vaporstar enough. Bottom line is it works perfectly; it vaporizes herb effeciently and quickly. Im very pleased. BTW: I love the little 'wood-smell' while hitting... it reminds me nature :) However, I have broken my micro-pipe glassware yesterday :( .. because of extensive...
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