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  1. Bumping Spheda

    Discontinued Splinter Z by RBT

    Super ghetto concentrate pad, haha. It's 28ga Stainless Steel round wire that I just mashed up into a mess. My XL8R got HOT vaping even meager amounts of concentrate, haha, I would not recommend this, just get a Sai, imho.
  2. Bumping Spheda

    DIY G43

    So much for no updates in a while. Got the buck converter. This thing is tiny. Wired up a DC jack pair to the battery and buck converter, looks like so: Cut a small washer in half and soldered the power wires to half a slug each. Shove the half washer between the battery contacts: Seems...
  3. Bumping Spheda

    Discontinued Splinter Z by RBT

    I'm still fuddling with TCR's! Just combusted 30 minutes ago. Packed her a little heavier than I usually do and it got me. Cleaned it out with iso/salt and bumped her TCR down 4 in escribe. Not too much, still going for full extraction. Will test later, just took a couple dabs out my...
  4. Bumping Spheda

    DIY G43

    That's disheartening. I mean the glass rod seemed to heat up fairly quickly, I guess hand wound coils will have to do. Ummm, actually, I don't know what the resistance was at max, however I do remember the mod asking me to reset the resistance after I had heated it up[ a bunch and when I did it...
  5. Bumping Spheda

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Double weave screen feels cleaner on my lungs (running waterless) with finely ground flower, it doesn't feel like I got kicked in the lungs as much after big rips or deep extraction. I'm enjoying dab-like highs off flower in my waterless rig, too, with pre-heated carb cap and sloooow draws =...
  6. Bumping Spheda

    DIY G43

    Sorry for triple post, let me know if it's annoying, just trying to keep it fresh. Also sorry for photos being rotated 90 degrees, Idk how to fix it. Wrapped a coil on 5mm glass rod and installed it on the Taifun GT III. It's hard to get the SS round wire to stay perfectly tight on the glass...
  7. Bumping Spheda

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    You could build a custom fan with enclosure for this. The short mouthpiece could go right into the flame intake of a SB product. I think that's what you're aiming for.
  8. Bumping Spheda

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    This handle screws into carb cap, not for your coil.
  9. Bumping Spheda

    The Flip Brick by Sticky Brick Labs

    Tysm. Just what I wanted to hear.
  10. Bumping Spheda

    The Flip Brick by Sticky Brick Labs

    Anyone here think an Ultimate Cooling Stem from Ddave mods would restrict airflow too much on a Flip Brick? Wondering if I should buy a bent Maxx mouthpiece with my Flip Brick or just wing it with a Ddave stem and see what happens. :\
  11. Bumping Spheda

    Discontinued Splinter Z by RBT

    I got atomizer low a few times. I unscrewed my Z a TINY bit from my mod and it fixed it for me. Generally you want to clean the 510 contact on your mod with some alcohol and a Q-tip, I believe.
  12. Bumping Spheda

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Not butane powered? So now we're talking Milaana or Tubo heating styles?
  13. Bumping Spheda

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    I was wondering why an all-in-one SB package hadn't been created yet. Something with the perfect jet flame source that's permanently situated the perfect distance from the intake (possibly variable distance with a thumb screw or something) that was isolated from wind inside the unit, little flip...
  14. Bumping Spheda

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Where do you buy extras? The double weaves were the only screens I could find that were .78" which is what I thought the shovelhead bowl needed.
  15. Bumping Spheda

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    I'm still pre-vaping the buds so it breaks up in my fingers, I leave the carb cap on the Vrod while I'm crushing my herb for 30 seconds to 1 minute, it heats the air more thoroughly. I also place the Vrod on the shovelhead bowl for about 10-15 seconds before I start puffing on the mouthpiece to...
  16. Bumping Spheda

    DIY G43

    Nice size. Doesn't restrict airflow.
  17. Bumping Spheda

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Idk why the pic is rotated, but okay. Got the insulated SS shovel in the mail today. PID set to 687F, left the vcap and SS shovel on Vrod to heat soak for ten minutes straight, still, even the shovel is only warm, I can touch the shovel, bare metal, with my fingers without any hint of...
  18. Bumping Spheda

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Have you seen those removable, glycerin filled, coils that you can freeze and they cool the vapor dry. Might be up your alley.
  19. Bumping Spheda

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Thoughts on a flip brick + ultimate cooling stem from ddave mods setup? Should I just go with a bent Maxx mouthpiece for the extra airflow? Both mouthpieces would fit the flip, right?
  20. Bumping Spheda

    Discontinued Splinter Z by RBT

    Oh, crap. Didn't know that.
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