Search results

  1. Nebu

    Vaporizer Roots ~ Steam Chalice

    Did a search and didn't find any mention of the Steam Chalice. I'm unsure of the full history but have known about this tech for many years via my Jamaican & Rasta friends. I believe it has a long history but precious little info on-line to verify as well. Here's one design explanation video...
  2. Nebu

    The Herbalizer

    Although they do not out-gas, metals are not 100% inert/non-reactive, as is glass, for metals (even stainless steel) oxidize when exposed to oxygen, water and/or acids (& oils?), release ions and have an electrical charge. Of course the degree/effect of all that is surely so minimal as likely...
  3. Nebu

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Thanks! Yes, that was my only complaint as well. I definitely prefer not to have any grinds getting in the clean glass, potentially clogging up the bubble-works and just making a general mess. Pieces with fine diffusion are especially susceptible. Hemp fiber is 100% neutral (taste &...
  4. Nebu

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Devised a decent way to remain true 100% glass path (no metal screen) while capturing any particulate pass-through that may occur. Also excellent at capturing (& reclaiming) oil. :)
  5. Nebu

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    By definition; "The Venturi effect is the reduction in fluid pressure that results when a fluid flows through a constricted section of pipe." The carburetor reference was in regards to ~> "Carburetor icing occurs when there is humid air, and the temperature drop in the venturi causes the...
  6. Nebu

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    You may want to double check your equations/premises. The venturi effect decreases pressure (and temperature). The increase is in the flow velocity. Look at airfoils (Bernoulli's Principle) & Carburetor icing. Also, venturi tubes do not necessarily solely produce turbulent (Reynolds number >...
  7. Nebu

    The Cloud EVO Anticipation Thread

    Sweet! Sounds like a new policy. Hopefully this will be made explicit and, also, retroactive for non-EVO Cloud bamboo failures. (?)
  8. Nebu

    The Cloud EVO Anticipation Thread

    What were the (financial) details of the return/repair process? Under warranty? Total incurred costs? Very curious as "no glass (i.e. bamboo) is warrantied" was the VapeXhale policy previously, much to the chagrin of those who experienced just such failures. Given the "bamboo" being the...
  9. Nebu

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    How much will that cost?
  10. Nebu

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    These Vrip glass screens are cold fire.
  11. Nebu

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    lol! & FIFY.
  12. Nebu

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    I'm really digging these glass screens! I love that is a truly, 100% no-compromise glass delivery-path but it is also performing better than expected, both in regards to maintenance and delivery. The maintenance is easy! ABV just drops right off the glass screen, leaving it clean. Metal...
  13. Nebu

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Reminds me to give thanks I grew up in Ann Arbor!= $5 ticket for possession of anything under 2z's & this was throughout the 70's-80's. Ah, those formative years! One way that manifested was UofM students financing their tuition by having kitchen cabinets stuffed full of dank, sensi goodness...
  14. Nebu

    Discontinued The Sublimator

    Gotchya. People's sensitivities vary greatly (especially those acclimated to smoking). I suspect many people are conflating combustion with ignition. It doesn't take fire to create smoke. Probably OT here and something for another thread.... perhaps a "smoke-detector of truth" thread. :cool:
  15. Nebu

    Discontinued The Sublimator

    You can't tell if your combusting by the delivery?! :uhoh:
  16. Nebu

    Discontinued The Sublimator

    Guessing Mt. Bachelor/Cascades (Bend, Ore).
  17. Nebu

    Retailer Announcements

    Greetings all, I have two (2), new OT (Original Ticker, w/9'+ power cord) VapeXhale Clouds available for sale. Both will be fully warrantied upon registration @ SN#0509 & SN#0999: heat-up time trials (red to green), with temp dial set @ 12 o'clock, clock in @ 10:05 & 10:45...
  18. Nebu

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Yes I. Thank you kindly for the reply! It stands to reason hot metal would have at least some effect on the zeta potential, etc.,.. Also, inhalation of metal ions is a legitimate health concern. One would needs some serious gas-chromatography/mass-spectrometry equipment to measure/verify any...
  19. Nebu

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Love the true, 100% all-glass path! :love: Even if the mass of a little stainless screen is so slight (also "downstream" of the herb in the vapor-path), I'd still prefer to have 100% glass. Questions: Approx diameter of the 7 holes in the glass-screen imaged? Are you getting much herb...
  20. Nebu

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Personally, I don't desire the kind of "help" metal provides. It definitely is used as a cheap and efficient heating element, pod (Vapir?), etc., in many vaporizers. Although it surely doesn't get hot enough to off-gas in this application, I'm still curious how metal reacts-with/affects the...
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