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  1. the ob


    knew you would be in. look at your description name.
  2. the ob


    nice. accessories are always a good thing. more things to buy. I know mom will love this. :)
  3. the ob


    I guess we will just have to wait for some pics :ninja: whoever (or whomever) got that one is one lucky bastard.
  4. the ob


    The new ones are up. The "out on a limbs" are out of this world. :D looks like rootwad is gone already. I guess the early bird gets the worm.
  5. the ob


    some will blow it out, crush it in their hands and reinsert it. I would be careful poking stuff in there for fear of poking a hole in the screen. I personally blow it out and just start over. Conserving (which these are great for) is not a big concern for me though.
  6. the ob


    there is no doubt those logs are going to be HUGE. I guarantee it. I sound like the dude from the mens warehouse :lol: BTW,love the new photos. Great shots. It really helps!
  7. the ob


    This literally does keep getting better and better. Reminds me of a scene from "Private Parts" a fine film about Howard Stern. They were going over the ratings and talking about how people who both loved and hated him were both listening to the show. When pigface asked why in a aggravated...
  8. the ob


    I put a tracking device in your brain :cool: This is the reason I do not openly tell people which are my favorite. You have to be a stealthy hunter when it comes to your favorites around here......
  9. the ob


    which one? that is the one I want :brow:
  10. the ob


    good stuff. :)
  11. the ob


    I am guessing you are going to be very happy with that one. It looks like a beauty.
  12. the ob


    someone finally snatched that wally. I have a sneaking suspicion that in person it is stunning. You are going to be very happy!
  13. the ob


    are you planning on unplugging it all the time? I used to do that worried about fire safety, then I got over it. I love having that thing ready to go whenever I want it. BTW, love towely.
  14. the ob


    that one was really cool. Cant wait to see pics. I am surprised no one has picked up that "wally" I feel like in real life, that one is a beauty. The new "clara" on there looks like a great shape too. I have something specific in mind for my next one.
  15. the ob


    me too my friend. I know how that goes. :)
  16. the ob


    that definitely makes it more interesting (the leather burns). very cool. I would love to see one of those shapes held in a hand.
  17. the ob


    no. that zap has a brand new parts. Rick is just calling it retro. I believe the colored zaps are all going to be from what he is calling the "retro collection" it is not refurbished. btw, it is Rick, not Rich :/
  18. the ob


    will there be more like "beauty" without the burned lines anytime soon?
  19. the ob


    I would just buy a new one if the refurbished were the same price or more. This is not a positive or negative comment. Just would not be worth sending it back if this was the case. I understand that the work involved could potentially be more difficult than making a new one. It just does not...
  20. the ob


    I guess what I was trying to convey is that the descriptions say they are four inches tall. If there is a major ledge or groove in the middle or 1/4 of the way up, will this fit properly? That is why it would be nice to see some of them being held so that people could judge this. When...
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