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  1. thesoloman


    did our background just change? and if so is it possible to get the old one back? Or is this just on my end ?Im talking about the white/blue theme AHHHHHHHH It's a sight upgrade
  2. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    If you must use a ps2 slim charger cut the end off that fits in your solo, and hook it up to a car jack outlet of any shitty car charger, and wallah you have a car charger. not quite what you wanted but we can't have everything now can we? lol
  3. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    Ok so this was a water pipe adapter that i made for the magic flight box, i then remembered i could fit my whip in the solo stem, this thing is fucking sweet. The in this pic is an 18/18 male adapter fitted into a slightly larger than 5/8th inch hole, the glass joint and wood fight tight but for...
  4. thesoloman

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    Tis true. Stuck in Us customs wah wah:ugh:
  5. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    In use
  6. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    is your stem dirty? i find that the oil collected in the stem will drip down into the bowl bringing about this phenomenon you refer to as unlimited cloud mode.
  7. thesoloman

    concentrates smell?

    I walked into exhaleclouds' room yesterday after he had a dab shesh and I defiantly noticed the sweat lingering aroma(; I think i said sometihng like "it smells like dabs in here"
  8. thesoloman

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Made a homemade water pipe adapter today(: cool this about this gem is i can use it upside down with a hydra-tube(not that i own one) or a regular bong, can't wait till my new batts are here tomorrow and i get to try this badboy out with the concentrate tray!
  9. thesoloman

    What frame is that in your pic?

    What frame is that in your pic?
  10. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    yea he was cleaning it. I just asked him more about what happened when he did it, ill should have more info in a min
  11. thesoloman

    How many TRUE combustion-fuckers?

    You need a portable!
  12. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    I would take it apart and remove the battery until it is completely dry, i had a friend that killed his solo with an iso covered q-tip so don't have too much hope.
  13. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    Hey I've already ordered my Assent, so it should be here soon. I've had solo's for like 2 or 3 years now, with an an EQ before that. Once I've tried my assent ill answer your vapor quality questions. You can pick a solo up for $160 which is about $90 less than the ascent, and still be able...
  14. thesoloman

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Just noticed in this picture of the bowl it appears that one of the sides has a raised bump that woud keep the oil can from making full contact in the bottom of the bowl? Or are my eyes screwing with me? I'm talking about the thingy on the left side of the bowl in this pic, what do you guys think?
  15. thesoloman

    Vapes on Planes - Traveling With Vaporizers

    I'm not sure, ill have your answer in a few days when he returns.
  16. thesoloman

    How to attract bugs with stink?

    maybe these would work? If i were you i'd make a trail from her door to her car with them, and then throw like 5 more all around it. Not really washing your car, but getting back at her is what your really after? EDIT...
  17. thesoloman

    Vapes on Planes - Traveling With Vaporizers

    My friends is in Wa. right now, he flew with a used solo that was cleaned really well, iso'd everything pretty much. He also took a clean stem with it.
  18. thesoloman Your Friendly Vaporizer Store

    My friend at collage has one of those, they combust flowers.. or at least i did when i tried it, this is what your talking about right?
  19. thesoloman

    The Picture Thread

    Here's something different
  20. thesoloman

    Log Vape Battery Packs

    so it can do either or or both settings with me adjusting it?
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