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  1. mlo4sho

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    My favorite part of my PD: the tear drop!
  2. mlo4sho

    Herb Grinders

    That looks really, really nice. I have a question, though. How did you get it to such an oily consistency? Looks like straight hash oil. Whenever I have tried it, mine comes out looking light brownish and an almost powdery kief-like consistency. Is it just the amount of stuff gunked up in your...
  3. mlo4sho

    Value for $$

    If that's the case then I think you'll fit right in.
  4. mlo4sho

    Customized vape setups

    WOW :o Nice vapor clouds. Very nice vapor production at what would seem a low temperature. Man, I gotta get a Supreme one of these days. Nice vid. On a side note, I keep my stem(s) in a similar spot on my laptop ha.
  5. mlo4sho

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    My first entry. It's a shame I couldn't get it to focus. My cat's like "wasn't me".
  6. mlo4sho

    The Toasty Top

    Only time i've experienced clogging in one of my stems is when I tried vaping a full bowl of kief. Other than that, I've never had issues with clogging and don't need to frequently clean the stem either (only 3+ months of vaping, however). I've been using the same stem since day 1 and I consume...
  7. mlo4sho

    Herb Grinders

    Nice vid. I find your videos interesting and informative as well. Thanks for posting.
  8. mlo4sho

    Customized vape setups

    It happened to me when I opened my new account about 6 months ago. It also happened to me a few months ago when a few payment transfers didn't go through correctly. Since then they've put a hold on all payments going into my account (supposedly) I think because of me being a potential "risk"...
  9. mlo4sho

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    Ditto. And, of course, the milk vid(s)! Good choice NYC, I may not be too far off from getting one myself.
  10. mlo4sho

    Customized vape setups

    Damn, is that the one with the turbine splash guard? That piece is crazy awesome, grats. The EFS looks spot on would love to see how she milks maybe? :D
  11. mlo4sho

    Arizer Solo

    Damn. Very nice. Looks like it milks pretty quickly and easily. Gonna keep my eye on this one as hopefully more videos and reviews come out. Nice work.
  12. mlo4sho

    The ethnobotanical thread

    If you have an eBay account you can try there. There's a bunch of oils you can try of all different scents and they're cheap, too. That's where I got mine anyways. Can't speak on what they're made of but they certainly do smell nice.
  13. mlo4sho

    Customized vape setups

    Very nice collection. At the end I was like whoooaaaa lol
  14. mlo4sho

    Discontinued Epicvape EV-1/EV-2

    I'm interested in seeing how this vape would work with a bong or bubbler. Looks like a great unit so far.
  15. mlo4sho

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Waiting patiently for Guild Wars 2. Oh and that Dead Island for the consoles kinda grabbed my attention.
  16. mlo4sho

    Buying illegal drugs online now possible?!

    Really sucks when websites like this get brought into the open. There's a reason they are so private and when you get websites putting out articles about them it really ruins it for a lot of people. Yes, there are people out there who either can't get bud/others locally or don't have the...
  17. mlo4sho

    Silk Road

    Great.... Websites like this don't need this kind of publicity. I've never used them but let's just say there are quite a few reputable vendors on SR. And yes, it's obviously very risky.
  18. mlo4sho

    The Toasty Top

    Very cool, congrats on your launch. Had read many of your posts regarding this vaporizer and have been interested for a while. Great design, very art-like. I also love the glass tube, I think it would be cool to see the vapor in your tube, not to mention any benefits it may or may not have in...
  19. mlo4sho

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Just 'harvested' last night from one of my tubes. Got an eraser-size ball of sticky vapor particles. It is decently potent, though tastes like ass. Much prefer vaping fresh herbs :) Good thing was I got a pretty decent amount from only 2-3 weeks of vaping with that stem. Lasts a while in the...
  20. mlo4sho

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Looks great Tom! I'd love one of those :P @sliqpd Beatiful PD, great nature shot. That whole scene is just breathtaking.
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