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  1. noserub

    PBW & the Chemistry of Clean

    Just catching up on this thread....I never get a film using PBW. I'm wondering if you guys are using a solution that is too strong. I make a min of 1g since I use it on brewing gear and other stuff. But I use between 1-2oz per gallon depending on what I'm cleaning and I generally leave it for a...
  2. noserub

    Where to buy SG (Sovereignty Glass)?

    Good to know...I was afraid of that, but not a big deal. Do you feel like your hits loose flavor by milking it all the way?
  3. noserub

    Glass comparible (or similar) to Mobius?

    What about Olympic? The horizon > helix is pretty dope... This thing is really sexy in person.
  4. noserub

    RezBlock /Cranberry Extract

    I'm going to give it a shot...thanks for the tip!
  5. noserub

    Where to buy SG (Sovereignty Glass)?

    To kick things off again...has anyone used a King stemline? ALT has them right now...but I'm thinking they are a bit large. I've been moving to smaller pieces these days...but they look nice. They are probably on the larger side for a vapor rig.
  6. noserub

    Where to buy SG (Sovereignty Glass)?

    No they did not...I actually was in there looking for that model but apparently they are pretty rare to find. They guy told me that they have never seen one. They had the 65t, 60t, clear nano, stemless bub, ion bub, clear bub and a facet disc I think. Anyway great shop! Sorry for the side...
  7. noserub

    Where to buy SG (Sovereignty Glass)?

    I live in San Mateo and was just at the cave last week. They did not have any SG but they had a decent selection of Möbius pieces. They have a good relationship with Möbius and always have them in stock
  8. noserub

    Where to buy SG (Sovereignty Glass)?

    Zob is good glass for sure...I don't think Zob is on the same level of quality as a SG, Mobius or Olympic though. It's more middle of the road, affordable glass with good designs. I'm not knocking them's like comparing a small craft brewery to a commercial micro brewery (or a small...
  9. noserub

    Where to buy SG (Sovereignty Glass)?

    I've been looking for a 60mm V6 down stemline but have given up after months of looking. I think these are made by one dude, so he probably can't quite keep up with demand. I'll keep my eye out, but am not going to wait. Another good option for super HQ glass is Olympic from San Diego. They...
  10. noserub

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Damn Lev...130 with shipping for the showerhead...nice! :tup: I may have to re-prioritize my next order and use that as my travel piece. Can that piece be made any smaller than it already is?
  11. noserub

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    I was looking for glass and told Lev about the FB site being down. I don't know the whole story but I wasn't sworn to secrecy like BDV...:lol: I just know that the FB site was taken down intentionally. And that means good things are to come...
  12. noserub

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Fred, good call...I don't know why I didn't think of that. I just bought a Lev lattice and never really noticed that one. I think it's because i was focused on the double showerhead one...then opted for the lattice. hmmm...not a bad idea though
  13. noserub

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Hey gang...How does the infamous work as a travel piece? I'm looking for a small travel piece that is durable. I was thinking about something with a narrow can like this, but much cheaper: I like the fact that the mouth piece is small and removable on the Sheldon. The infamous is 1/4...
  14. noserub

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Today I got my Cloud back! I'm going to be extra careful this time ;) I'm excited to have it back. @NewVapor420 I don't think my HT is on the vaporpedia. Here are's the Evolver Hydracirc 2.0 I think. Got my LSV today was a good day!
  15. noserub

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    BAM! It's here!!! and it appears to have the strain relief for the cord... It was a good my Cloud back and my LSV arrived...
  16. noserub

    PBW & the Chemistry of Clean

    im not sure what those stems are made out of but stainless steel is fine with PBW.
  17. noserub

    New to Vaping, options under $100?

    For occasional smokers wanting to try vaping, then the lower end of the spectrum is probably a good place to start. However, IMO for someone new to vaping that is normally a heavy the money for a solid performing vape to help you make the switch 100%. While the $100 range has some...
  18. noserub

    PBW & the Chemistry of Clean

    This is where I buy PBW...they sell 8lb for $40. It looks like the 4lb would be a wash compared to the ebay deal. I usually order with other brewing supplies, so am not usually concerned about the $7.99 shipping cost... SD_haze I...
  19. noserub

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Order placed!!! :rockon:
  20. noserub

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Yeah, I was trying to figure out if that would be a good travel piece or not...I'm not sure of the dimensions...
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