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  1. TheSkipper

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I just had a modular base exactly like that custom made for my recycler HT ( I feel it is too heavy for my EVO), only it has no perc. I'll put up pics when it shows up in the mail:)
  2. TheSkipper

    Discontinued Versa Infinity - The Glass Vaporizer

    To be really honest I loved the look of the frosted glass originally and was mildly disappointed when it was replaced with black or white. I am very happy to see it back:lol:. I feel like this will be my most aesthetic vape on my desk
  3. TheSkipper

    So much Glass! Can't decide!

    I have a Mobius matrix clear bubbler which I lovingly use everyday. I agree with tweak^^ on the dewar form factor. I have hit a 60mm stereo matrix many times and honestly prefer my bubbler a lot, especially for vaping. The thing I have found about the DG is some people can either love the way...
  4. TheSkipper

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    no its just a regurlar circ but theres lots of slits and they are all perfect. i thinks AA said there were like 80 but i have not counted
  5. TheSkipper

    Discontinued Versa Infinity - The Glass Vaporizer

    I agree^^ I would rather wait and get a whole package. I like the sound of those "extras" :D
  6. TheSkipper

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    I just learned how to post pics. Still working on a video but heres my most recent buy. A Goron Scientifc HT from AA (who happens to be reallly awesome also). I really love this thing. Its kind of hard not to hit it
  7. TheSkipper

    Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation

    I just learned how to post pics. Still working on a video but heres my most recent buy. A Gordon Scientifc HT from AA (who happens to be reallly awesome also). I really love this thing. Its kind of hard not to hit it
  8. TheSkipper

    VapeXhale House Glass Thread

    My Cloudbuddy from VXL is 18 on every joint
  9. TheSkipper

    Discontinued Versa Infinity - The Glass Vaporizer

    That new concentrate piece looks really awesome! I am curious what it is at the top actually holding the concentrate, a piece of metal or something? Can not wait do side by side tests with this and my other vapes :science: I am also ever so impressed by the size of those hits:o
  10. TheSkipper

    INNOVATIVE Glass Ideas (yours and mine)

    THANKS. I am going to look into that. One other thing I like in my idea was recycling. I am sure theres plenty of ex smokers who have nice smoking bongs that do not quite fit well with there vapes. My Favorite smoking pieces have been neglected for too long and I was hoping to one day...
  11. TheSkipper

    INNOVATIVE Glass Ideas (yours and mine)

    SO I Love glass and I like to think of creative ways to use glass. I am sure there are people here who are creative. Anyway I have a few Ideas I would like to throw out there but since I did not want to make a thread just about my Ideas I thought why not have everyone crazy cool ideas here. So...
  12. TheSkipper

    Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation

    Thanks for sharing:), I actually had seen your posts about the Dablab earlier in the thread. When you used the cloud on it did the cloud restrict the recycling ability of the piece at all?
  13. TheSkipper

    Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation

    So I thought about starting a new thread for this but I think I will just put it here. 420 is a special day for all of us but very much so to me because it is also my birthday:lol:(I was also born at 4:20pm) I have owned a decent bit of glass and now have a modest collection but a nice one. One...
  14. TheSkipper

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    That actually makes me feel much better:clap:. Thanks SD_haze!
  15. TheSkipper

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I really hate to type this but has anyone else noticed looking down into the EVO through the bamboo and seeing glass that looks like it super heated right where the heater is? I don't think I have cracks but the glass in the middle of the bamboo looks like the top of glass nail after being...
  16. TheSkipper

    Discontinued Versa Infinity - The Glass Vaporizer

    I agree with everyones opinions on the integrated glass especially TheDudeNextDoor's point about the selling point for the higher end vape. $120.00 is an agreeable peice especially for glass. Could always have a "budget" unit for 90 or 100 with an ABS body. but I think the extra $20 is worth it...
  17. TheSkipper

    Discontinued Versa Infinity - The Glass Vaporizer

    If we did pay through paypal at the earlier phase of this beta (cannot believe I am saying this already :lol:) then will we be receiving an invoice or should we just consider ourselves all set? :myday: ALSO I love how immersed you are in FC and making the best vape you can. Your communication...
  18. TheSkipper

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Joe: Concentrates have been working amazing for me with the EVO. The way I do it is: 1: I use a mini ELB 2: I have a piece of screen small enough that ,when folded in half, it just fits in the mini elb. SO I take my concentrate and squeeze it between my small screen, by folding the screen in...
  19. TheSkipper

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    My EVO "flickers" pretty often. Every day in fact. Especially if I move it or bump the desk it is on. But I have noticed it many times and was at first concerned but now I am used to it and does not bother me. Whether green or flickering it always delivers:D so I am happy:leaf: And knowing I...
  20. TheSkipper

    Discontinued The Sublimator

    Bob I really like that idea. I think I am going to try to make such a device or have such a device made by someone who can.
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