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  1. Medical Mark

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Ya I ordered November 19th I hope mine is in there too, it making me anxious i need a good portable like the Cera.
  2. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Wow so nice to see I wonder if mine is sitting in there one where? I hope it's put together allready in a box lol. By the way we get extra o-rings right? And don't we also get a extra mouth piece with the EO cart ? I see a whole wack of them (o-rings) in the bag in the pic lol. Nice Cera Porn
  3. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    I believe the epoxy is to attach the switch harness onto the Cera at the bottom were there is no heat, vapor or air being pass through or by it in anyway that's the only place epoxy would be needed on this whole unit from what I can tell, I might be wrong but that's what I figure anyway. Nothing...
  4. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Well good to hear that it will be a safety power switch this is what I thought It was anyway but it serves as a secondary power switch. I'm so curious to the final product, so when there done put together tested packaged and shipped out they will include as p all the posts and vids a charger, 2...
  5. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Hey there OF I was on the phone with Zeke while you where at TET lol anyway Zeke said to me that the safety switch is still gonna be there but it will be removable and that the unit wouldn't work without it inserted ? I'm a little confused is the switch totally removed from the equation or is is...
  6. Medical Mark

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Smellycat there is no illuminated switch, its a latching on/off switch. The illuminated one is no longer availible.
  7. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Hey talked with TET all is well in there kingdom and moving ahead with our preorders. All the parts are in and are being assembled as we speak first getting the November orders out first then next week the December orders. I guess that depends on how fast things go assembling these Cera's...
  8. Medical Mark

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Hey FC just talked with TETand all is well in there kingdom despite the personal news of the reformer CEO but they have recieve all the parts and are starting to put it all together, November preorder this week and December preorders next week. The safety switch is a go by the sounds of it with...
  9. Medical Mark

    Would you buy a plastic bubbler for 49 cents? How about glass for $1.49?

    i was wondering where you got that small water pipe attatchement , whats the name of it , i need that little thing thats so cool please let me know the company or store site , thanks medical mark
  10. Medical Mark

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    ya i ordered mine on november 19th, so ya first batch of preorders would be nice. i hope they resolve all the isues and get this thing sent out this weeknend. this would be nice.
  11. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Well chill dude. I talked to trevor at TET yesterday or 2 days ago anyway they said that the momentary switch will be sent out with the cera but when the latching switch comes in they will ask you via email if you would like to exchange the momentary switch for the latching switch if so they'll...
  12. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    The momentary switch will be sent with the preorder unit and when they recieve the switches that latch on and offset will be notified and we can opt to send the momentary switch back for a latching click switch but I think well need both for each specific cart, momentary giving you more control...
  13. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    I think you'll be disappointed I believe the cera side safety toggle will. Not be a on/off switch, I believe that the pin will be used to facilitate other brand batteries due to the botten top of the 18650 battery, other are flat so the pin is removed or added to make a power contact for the...
  14. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    So maybe TET will throw in the 2 separate latches to compliment the 2 different carts for the Cera. The Cera LL would compliment the latched switch and the Cera EO would compliment the momentary switch for more control since the Oil cart releases vapor really fast and you need that control over...
  15. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    So I was on the phone TET today and found out that the illuminated switch is no more, so that will have to be refunded but also the momentary switch will be sent with the cera and then later as the latch switches come in you can swap them out, I thought they were going to just send us the...
  16. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Ya by the way OF you said you might get a solo from a friend to try out , did you ever try it? And if so how did it compare with the Cera LL cart ? Just wondering it would give me a great comparison since I have one. So maybe I'd get a good idea of the vapor ability compared to the solo. I...
  17. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    In all the last videos Noah isn't even using any Cera's with a side switch at all, even on one video he pretends to turn on the safety switch it isn't even on the unit lol and in the video with all the Cera's on there plates with there specific materials for vaping none of the cera have a safety...
  18. Medical Mark

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Mine goes red either direction but turns green fast when its allready heated up, mine takes about 15 minutes and its awesome I use it at 12 to 2 and use a dedicated power outlet by itself uninterrupted pure power. My cloud gets hot to touch after about 30 to 40 minute and it starts to blink red...
  19. Medical Mark

    Arizer Solo

    Ya. Man I like to milk the solo using my hydratubes/hydraline made my own adaptor I just stick the glass stem which has a half inch rubber band around the top of the stem and it is then inserted in a 14 female to 18 male adaptor the fit is tight and doesn't move perfect, works great upside down...
  20. Medical Mark

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Well I hope they keep us up to date with there progree there's been a lot of changes through it this whole preorder, I realize that it is not my business what decisions they make or the things they decide to change but I hope that they'll pay attention to the negative or proactive voices here if...
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