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  1. tgvp

    Choosing a washing machine for bubble hash

    That's exactly the kind of machine I was checking, with the basket and all, perfect, thx Yeah, I realized that while browsing 😂 I have so much fun experimenting on that stuff, doing comparative testing, tasting stuff and presenting my results to friends. So lucky I'm I to live in a country...
  2. tgvp

    Choosing a washing machine for bubble hash

    Hi! I'm currently planning on moving one step further on my path toward cannabic bliss by trying some live rosin (and why not some full melt if possible). But unfortunately, it's not something I can find in the corner shop... So, I will have to take matters in my own hands. I bought filtration...
  3. tgvp

    How "smelly" is rosin?

    That's interesting! Well, at least if you're not the one to get caught 😁 Do you now why it's treated differently? Does it mean that those same state consider hashish a felony too as it's some kind of concentrate ? In Switzerland, the law use the words "stupéfiants ayant des effets de type...
  4. tgvp

    Smoke VS vapor : couch locking

    I agree that vaping concentrate is even less couchlocky than vaping weed for me too. Yeah, my last batch of infused coconut oil with ABV and old pressed rosin pucks completely bring my inner contemplative self to next level. This makes me wonder if there might be another factor making...
  5. tgvp

    Flower tastes like shit now

    About the weed taste, I recently kinda restarted vaping weed (after months of mostly using home made rosin), cause I've got my IH and wanted to test it. For science. And I've been quite surprised by the taste as this was the same plant I pressed (properly stored in sealed jar with humidity...
  6. tgvp

    Physics of an Induction Heater (for DynaVap)

    Hey there, I recently bought an IH for my DV and the currently available model was the UFO, a simple looking (kinda like a BT speaker) and cheap IH but with an interersting customization, you can tune the deepness of the DV insertion in the heater by swapping glass tubes. The description and...
  7. tgvp

    How "smelly" is rosin?

    True, but I like rosin better :) What is a CVault? Some kind of air tight container? My guess is that in the rosin form, it has less surface area compared to the dosis, do not leave "weed dust" particles around and keeps the terpenes kinda locked in the goo
  8. tgvp

    How "smelly" is rosin?

    Let's do a thought experiment. Suppose some fictional person has to cross some fictional border and would like to carry a fictional cannabinoid stash in the form of some rosin in an airtight container. I'm thinking of a personal sized stash, less than a gram. How likely am I is this fictional...
  9. tgvp

    Are Vapcaps really safe?

    I used to have the same issue until I started to clean it more often the tip, cap a screen as those seems to be parts that get dirty quickly (condenser too, but less often). On a regular basis, just qtip it with some iso and let it dry (or heat it for faster evaporation). Then from time to time...
  10. tgvp

    Dynavap VapCap

    Sorry to bump my question up, but the more I read, the less I know, so I will expand on it. Some people say that they like the ability to tweak the voltage too, which is one of the features of the YllVape I kinda overlooked. But what's the difference? I suppose it can heat faster or slower, but...
  11. tgvp

    Dynavap VapCap

    Hi there, I'm on the verge of buying an IH, having been a single torch lighter user for a long time (the I like it how there is no electronic involved and don't care if I look like some crack addict kind of guy), but I'm now ready to take the step. So I ordered an UFO IH, as I like the form...
  12. tgvp

    Rosin dosage

    What is a SiC HALO? Ok, just checked, it's a Silicon Carbide e-nail (never heard of that, sound like a spacecraft material, ideal to send you into orbit). I don't have a lot of bangers, but will have to check how they work with bigger dabs. For now, all I can say is that the terp slurper is the...
  13. tgvp

    Rosin dosage

    I'm more a quinoa sized dab person too. I just went to check in my kitchen if it was more a dry quinoa grain or cooked one :hmm: But when the day has been really good (or really bad) I sometimes like to get wild and do a half or full jasmin rice (can't compare to basmati rice, don't have at...
  14. tgvp

    Rosin dosage

    Sometimes, when I'm wander on youtube, I'm surprised to see how much rosin people put in their rigs at once. I'm not talking about those doing stoopid 1g challenge, just people showcasing some glassware or teaching some pressing technique or so, when they load their stuff I see that as kind of...
  15. tgvp

    Induction Heater MAD Heaters - Innovative Dynavap Accessories

    I was wondering on how precise is the temperature display. I suppose that as it is an IH, heat will be spread evenly on all the tip, so it doesn't matter where the temperature is checked? But as the measurement is taken on the tip, while the whole body builds up heat, after successive heating...
  16. tgvp

    I think i stored wrong

    And you could try to heat some coconut oil and put the bag in in order to turn what is left into some cannaoil? The risk of having some contaminants in the bag (dust, small nylon threads, ...), I believe this would be the safest way to retrive what's really embedded in the fabric. Just try to...
  17. tgvp

    Assert the pressure use in manual press

    That's kind of the empirical method I use 🤣 As a rule of thumb I decided that the 60N force is when I need a mild force (very well defined technical term!), thus I start pressing at lower than that and then slowly increase up to the point I have to use lot more of force to pull the crank down...
  18. tgvp

    Assert the pressure use in manual press

    That's exactly what I'm trying to estimate. As I know my bag is 7cm wide and I fill it as a tube (bottle pressing method? a name like that...), the pressing surface will be around 31cm² and the height will depend on how much I fill it. My press being supposed to deliver 600kg which means in fact...
  19. tgvp

    Best storage form (rosin VS plant)

    Hey there, For some obvious practical reason as the happy owner of a rosin press, I wonder which is the best way to store my favorite product in order to preserve flavor and effect as much as possible. In the form of dry herb or in the form of rosin? Note that I consume it essentially as rosin...
  20. tgvp

    Assert the pressure use in manual press

    I'm the happy owner of a small manual rosin press (that one) which is branded as having 600kg of "pressure". But as far as physics is concerned, the pressure between the plates depends on how much strength I have to put on pushing the lever down as the "torque" will "amplify" it (all those...
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