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  1. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    I'm sorry but I have a problem with that ,it's fun that you want to satisfy us with a lower temp unit but I mean , people who want the ''hotter version'' are just ignorant . If you want to satisfy them ,right , but dont call this a vaporizer cause it burn , call it an electric pipe . doest it...
  2. Clear_Dome

    New Vaporizer-Newbie

    first hi ! welcome on fc , you should go introduce your self first .. and also READ ...I think people like you should read before post , and also before buying a vaporizer like this ...cause I would stay away from those type of vaporizer, like sm55 said , those china made wood box are most of...
  3. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    yes a shorter straw will be more easy to pack in my pocket , same thing for the cupper pin , maybe you can think about a ajustable straw ?! dunno ....also I think that a small ''travel bag'' might be fun too , nothing really complex , just a small bag to drop all the pieces of the vap inside .
  4. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    thanks a lot dude ,I just make a request to my pyrex dealer and I will get some 7mm tubing on my way this week ,so I will finaly be able to make some colored pyrex stem :brow: , I'll keep you update
  5. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    thanks a lot for the tips , I will keep trying to find the right timing , look better and better each time but still not that easy , I think that a lower temp , some shorter cupper pin (batteries pole) , a pirex mouth piece (shorter too) will greatly improve the vap .Also do you know someting...
  6. Clear_Dome

    The Science of Vaporizing

    I also wonder if some one can bring the toxin boiling temp ?
  7. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    ok I just made a vid for my fellow fucker LOL I know it is not super clean but this is the best i can do with my cam , it is good for picture but not for vid . these are the picture before and after and the last picture is the difference between purple days and magic flight duff . I dont want to...
  8. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I will have to make some search ! thanks !
  9. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    thanks ! I really wish I can find some cause I know I can make some pd stem , I know how I will make them but I just need the right tubing . as there is no glass store near me , I have to order online and that mean to order a lot and take a chance that it will be ok :/....
  10. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    hey fickr , I just wonder where you got those pyrex tubing , what size and brand it is . I know I ask you a lot , but I just bought a lot of glass tubing to make some pd stem and all of them was'nt the right size , so I spent a lot of cash pretty badly :( . I dunno if you can call or ask those...
  11. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    so what temp reach the screen ? I want some data here LOL thanks for the batterie trix I will try it but btw this is not really for the taste but it is for how healty the unit is . You know some toxin get vaporize just over thc boilling point soo
  12. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    I'm still testing it ... to be fully honest , I still feel like this vaporizer over cook . let me explain the way i think , when I put a thin layer of finely ground herb over the screen , the vapor taste like vapor during about 2-3 second and right after it taste the baked popcorn but the top of...
  13. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    I agree , seeing what happen during the vaporization is defently cool LOL you can see the magic happen !
  14. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    I just made that inline , this one is to put on a bong , look great ! was a pain to make LOL pretty hard : ...with some cuba run :brow:
  15. Clear_Dome

    I've got $150 and I'm in the market for a vape

    yes I do , and I also own a lot of other vaporizer . If I only got 150 $ and only one vap to get I'll get a pd for sure !! but hey take your time to make your choice and read :) you'll find something for you !! this is the oficial pd site :
  16. Clear_Dome

    I've got $150 and I'm in the market for a vape

    hehe happy birthday Project Janus , you can't make you a better present than a vaporizer , for this price I think that a Purple day can fit in your budget and this is an exellent vaporizer ;pd; ,Also dont forget to enjoy FC !! :party:
  17. Clear_Dome

    The ethnobotanical thread

    haha my pleasure , there is not a million of post there but there is good info to read and some master grower ,for cactus and other weird plants :uhoh: LOL
  18. Clear_Dome

    The ethnobotanical thread

    does the link work now ?
  19. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    I have to say some good thing about the magic fly now LOL , I just try a really thin layer of herb on the screen with some super finly ground herb and it work pretty good , it's also pretty fun to see the herb vaporize LIVE LOL this way I can also juge better when to stop to heat , so no more...
  20. Clear_Dome

    The ethnobotanical thread

    yeah in this time of the year the sun hit hard here , it's still cold outside but the sun is really powerfull so when it is really sunny like today I put some sheet in the window to bloc some sun ! did you ever visit ? I go read there sometime when I have...
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