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  1. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    oh yeah I can bend it for sure , I just made the first straight cause I'm use to always roll the stem on my lips when I vap with the pd but that's maybe just me ! the possibility are end less ! I'm on the way to the shop , cant wait to see how come the second stem :brow: !!!!!!
  2. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I already thought about the pd bowl with a male gong , it is on my list of thing to do when I 'll get my batch of gong . it will turn the pd on an vhw still vap . Also , yes , this is the stock pd stainless steel bowl and it work at least as good as the original one but there is no magic , I...
  3. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    finaly done ;) but that just a lil begining I have a nasty baby in the kiln right now ! let m know what you think about it !
  4. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    thanks! I'm glad to have all you'r feedbacks , I remember back in the days when I start messing with glass , my firsts public the fc peoples so I really apreciate having your impressions
  5. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    hahah yeah thanks dude ! I'm proud of this one ... this week I got to teach a lot of stuff to my partner , when he was practicing I got the time to mess with deferent thing that I'm not use to try I played with horn , it's really fun to make them ! ....the elbow is really thick and heavy ...
  6. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    thanks durden !! here is what I mean by headier stuff . I had a base with it so it should be more easy to clean : PS: photobucket work fine :lol: more pix here
  7. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    the only reason why I want to work with a thirt party is because he will buy in bulk and than he will deal with customers , this will allow me to spend more time on my glass and less time on emailing and going to the poste office 10 time per week ect for the price it should stay about the...
  8. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    haha so right prog as usual ....I will move this Edit : done that's all cool , KJ Rockwise will get some of my glass really soon (within 3weeks) , he will carry all I can do so you should see some bowl , eblow , water pipes connector (18.8mm and 14mm) , mouthpiece ,stirring tool , jar , dishes...
  9. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    hey tom , I found a way to make glass/stainless pd stem :) , I have what I need on my way so you should see some picture of the first glass stem soon but if it work I will need some stainless tip so I hope you have plenty of it !!!
  10. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    hehe things work great for me , Rockwise is interest in selling my glass online so you should start to see more CD pieces on the web .... I would like to know what the customers (just like you) want to see or even buy as custome glass pieces ? do you want some thing like what I post earlier...
  11. Clear_Dome

    Glass heating wand, HELP

    dont buy anything from aqualabtechnologies please , they seem to just copy (or what I call rip) all the good stuff from the glass blower and sell them 3x the price it was my :2c: ...if you want glow rod contact me or check on ebay , there is a lot of them for way cheaper most of the time
  12. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    in fact the room for the herb is mainly inside the screen so the .5mm gab is just to keep it fonctional (the gong need to close properly to be air tight) as for the hit size it is hard to say but it seem to me more efficient (even at lower temp) ...but if you use the Extreme with a water pipe /...
  13. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    maybe I should have post this pix sooner but it give a better idea of the bowl size/configuration : when I mean screen to screen lol it is , the upper screen is super close to the lower one (like .5mm-1mm) so the herb chamber is defenetly way smaller and the heat is more focused on the herb oh...
  14. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    SACREBLEU LOOOLLL where the hell did you hear that ;) ...yeah I should use a photo bucket account , that 's not the first time that I got request for smaller pix , i'm lazy and turbo image is so easy to use LOL , but I'll get an account , right now ;)
  15. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    thanks ! I always try to do my best ! glad like em
  16. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    24k gold fume inline a/c with normal and vaporizer 18mm slides , I realy love the shape of the mouth piece and the flow of this piece !
  17. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    yes is it ;) I added you thanks ! the next bowls will be made with 4mm thick walls glass on glass , this one is thin cause when I order thicker gong I need to get 100 or more at the time so I will wait a bit to get more feed back about it before starting the production
  18. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    mostly on my facebook for now , look for Clear Dome Glass , you should find me
  19. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    nop , for now I dont take any custom request , I'm overloaded with my everyday order so ...but I'll take some probably after the valantin's day
  20. Clear_Dome

    Extreme CD's bowl and accesories

    I dont want to talk about the price for now , I will wait to here about some people first cause my goal is to sell them in lot to vaporizer & accesories online seller . I'll get back with the price when I'll know more , it should be about the same price as a regular custom slide .
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