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  1. kingofnull

    Colie Glass

    That really is a sweet little piece. Hopefully they stay in stock and at that price. Definitely gonna get one of these down the line.
  2. kingofnull

    Do you like coffee?

    Mad respect MacRadish - I used to work for a coffee roaster. Sounds like you've got things set up.just right for you.
  3. kingofnull

    Do you like coffee?

    I used to drink 6-7+ cups of espresso/espresso based drinks a day. Everyone I worked with was doing same, I thought it was fairly normal at the time. I'd need to vape right after work just to calm the jitters :lol:
  4. kingofnull

    Gear Nogoo non stick containers

    I usually take the lid off for a bit till everything comes back to room temp.
  5. kingofnull - Canada's Destination for the Best Vapes on the Planet

    Sorry forgot the laughing emoticon. I was only half serious :)
  6. kingofnull

    Atmos RAW glass filter

  7. kingofnull

    Gear Nogoo non stick containers

    It's pretty fun tossing them in the freezer for more liquid oils.
  8. kingofnull

    Any suggestions for portable Wax Vape pen?

    Dabbler may eventually require the purchase of carts. Though most folks' seem to still be rocking their OG cartridge.
  9. kingofnull

    On perceptions of prejudice

    Good advice. Guessing that's why we only get one.
  10. kingofnull

    M&M Tech/Leviathan Custom Slyme

    Sorry, meant to say at least.
  11. kingofnull

    Any suggestions for portable Wax Vape pen?

    You're right. If OP is getting the O-Phos, no need for an adapter.
  12. kingofnull

    Any suggestions for portable Wax Vape pen?

    edit: sorry didn't read the question properly. No, the adapters are pretty much solid state. I suppose over time the threads could wear out, but that's a ways down the road.
  13. kingofnull

    The BHOLT vaporizer

    I can't really tell, but to me it sort of doesn't look like 510. I've e-mail to ask them anyway.
  14. kingofnull

    On perceptions of prejudice

    :clap::clap::clap: Well said, ya greasy wop! :lol:
  15. kingofnull

    The HI

    How does your mail lady know Alan? :uhoh: BTW, love your stealth setup.
  16. kingofnull

    portable vape, no wick

    The Dabbler has a wick, but so do most concentrate solutions.
  17. kingofnull

    Going back to smoking...So different...

    Hah So true. The number of times I've 'lent' flowers to combusting friend's... "Just a j/piner worth". Do you know how many Solo or E-nano loads that is?!
  18. kingofnull

    Discontinued Tvape Vaporizer

    Totally agree. I mean, I understand why guys like VST, VapeCritc and VapeLife get review units - they get a ton of hits and followers, and vape mfgs must figure that'll give them more exposure. Course what they don't realize is most people think those guys are complete douches. In unrelated...
  19. kingofnull

    Discontinued Tvape Vaporizer

    I wish it was someone other than Vapor S. Thompson, but I guess beggars can't be choosers. The large etube makes the Tvape look massive, but it actually doesn't look too bad with the short tube.
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