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  1. Blackfriars

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Well, I had to respond since I am in Lexington. Hit me up privately sometime and we can chat about it? ;-) Looks like neither of you has been on in some time. ;-D
  2. Blackfriars

    The Nomad From Morwood

    Dan, I don't own a single one of your pipes, but after looking at your website, I can tell you have great vision and a real knack for design. Your marketing efforts, as well, are superb. Very polished and professional. You're marketing an experience, not a pipe. Also... must chuckle. Your logo...
  3. Blackfriars

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    On my Crafty, as I was a heavier vaper with it, I frequently submerged my cooling unit in alcohol for a couple of hours (say, once a week?), letting all the gunk come out. The plastic mouthpiece held up well to this treatment (I was skittish) and I always could tell a difference once I had...
  4. Blackfriars

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    01/18/2017; 13:04 ET Guys, I got my invoice a few minutes ago from S&B for my "RMA upgrade" from my second old RMA'd Crafty to trade/upgrade to a new Mighty. I am tickled to be stepping up! Thank you, Storz & Bickel!
  5. Blackfriars

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Call them? ;-) 1-510-451-1553 Assuming you're in the USA...
  6. Blackfriars

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Convection vaporizers rely on passing hot air around and through aromatic blends. Conduction vaporizers work by contact with a heated surface. I guess strictly speaking, all vaporizers are a little of both, but the Sticky Brick's method is to release THC and related compounds through heated...
  7. Blackfriars

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Well, I got no shipping notice so maybe there is hope? I am not a "the glass is half full" kind of guy, hmm? ;-)
  8. Blackfriars

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    It is! And I have no connection to the company whatsoever. Two observations as I continue to use The Brick: (1) My vaping has gone up. I am using more bowls. Now, granted... I am getting tolerant to some extent? Surely. I have some Gorilla Glue #4 coming soon to mix it up (hopefully). (2) The...
  9. Blackfriars

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I think this is the trick to it all. After vaping, clean up *then* (if needed). Do not wait. Strike while the "iron" is hot. :-)
  10. Blackfriars

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    That is great. For me, my multiple online RMA system notes, emails, and phone call to Oakland, CA, do not appear to be enough to stave off getting back my Crafty in lieu of an upgrade to a Mighty. I wrote one more email back to this AM and also called and left a...
  11. Blackfriars

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    01/16/2017; 11:45 AM ET I vaped quite a bit with my Sticky Brick 'The Brick' this weekend. Here are a couple more videos I made. Sorry for the less-than-stellar quality. Hard to manipulate a phone, light source, vaporizer, product, etc. ;-) And, it's quite cold here.
  12. Blackfriars

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Here's a little vid (first URL) I made just a few minutes ago. The picture (second URL) shows a few hits later; the herb got toasty in the end but I never charred it. Sorry for the headphones... I was listening to the new Varg EP. :-) And it's like 35 F here. So Norwegian...
  13. Blackfriars

    Is kief worth it

    I am there too. And I am almost 47.
  14. Blackfriars

    Is kief worth it

    Oh, sir, I assure you, it is not! I love my SpaceCase large grinder with kief catcher. I put that kief on top of some flowers I vape and it is like a pine forest! Vape your flowers "per normal," after grinding... and then wait until that kief collects at the bottom over time!
  15. Blackfriars

    Once you tried hash/shatter/oil/edibles , do you ever go back to buds?

    While I love BHO and "honey oil" ecarts, I do not think they are not good long term. The THC is just too high and it fucks with tolerance too much. Plus it is expensive and I worry about quality control and safety with butane purging, etc. I went back to flowers and am staying. I don't even like...
  16. Blackfriars

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    I used to take a Prevacid every day but I have lost a ton of weight - and thus no longer eat like I used to. No more Prevacid! I am glad too... The things were expensive as hell early on and I now know prolonged use of proton-pump inhibitors isn't well studied. Just not good to take untested...
  17. Blackfriars

    Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!

    I am sorry to hear of it! My father died in late December 2015 - no doubt aggravated by his PD, although he actually died from a massive coronary, I suspect (there was no autopsy; he was surrounded by skilled nursing care). The Lewy Body Dementia was the worst, not really the physicality loss...
  18. Blackfriars

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    I get random, lightish stomach pains since I have started vaping. They go away as soon as I vape again. I haven't worried about it much; and I certainly have never thrown up due to vaping too much. What a waste! I now vape quite a bit (multiple times a day; weekends = all day), so that should...
  19. Blackfriars

    Sticky Brick Junior by Sticky Brick Labs

    I plan on buying one of these to accompany my OG Sticky Brick, "The Brick." I am thinking about taking this one on planes with me. The fact that there is no battery means no Department of Homeland Security hassles about batteries below the plane in the cargo area. A little isobutane mini torch...
  20. Blackfriars

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Thank you for the specific (personal) anecdotes. Much prefer them to marketing hyperbole! I will upgrade if/when offered based on my multiple requests to S&B.
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