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  1. Raf007

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    So I finally got to try this little baby and here is a short review. Sorry if there are some point or clarity missing but reviews are not my strongest point especially when on hurry ;) First about the plastic taste, it goes away super fast, like even before hitting for real with the
  2. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    @Seek: to bad. Tstat : oh yeah !! Come to Paris to oh la la la with us :)
  3. Raf007

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Got to take it back home and in the sub as I write. After some more reading I saw they state its made of flavor-free materials...let's try, taste and report then ;)
  4. Raf007

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    So ....For some reasons I did not get the opportunity to take the unit back with me yesterday but should be able to today. I will do a quick report of course if that happen to be the case. Max: yes I also hope that the smell will vanish after use but the few blanks drawings I took were not...
  5. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Seek are you the same Seek that used to go underground in Paris?
  6. Raf007

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Quelle est la couleur de tes abv avec le vaporgenie? Si noir c'est de la subcombustion dc beaucoup plus de sedatifs prsents ;)
  7. Raf007

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Just opened the package. Here are my first thoughts as I 'm quite busy. Looks like the pic and honestly I'm not fan of the look and the plastic feel. It can not stand up by itself. The "whip" stinks plastic like crazy and to tell you the truth I am not in a hurry to try it and wish I had free...
  8. Raf007

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Salut a toi et Bienvenue ! J'ai jamais eu ni cette sensation ni entendu cela pour ma part au niveau des troubles de la vision. Apres pour ton effet du lendemain, c'est difficile de te repondre car tres subjectif. Mais cela me parait possible si tu es sensible que tu sentes une "fatigue" le...
  9. Raf007

    Police raided 2011 Cannabis Cup!! NL

    Well, I guess it's because laws are not meant to be understood but rather followed without any question...or bended for our own fool pleasure :)
  10. Raf007

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    salut Bob34 ! Bon ba Flswkat a t plus rapide ;) Tu as donc la rponse, et surtout, l'adaptateur tant en stade Beta ils ne voulaient pas prendre le risque de devoir couvrir la garantie le concernant l'international. Et ils ont bien fait, car il y a quelques retours sur les premiers PA. En tout...
  11. Raf007

    Police raided 2011 Cannabis Cup!! NL

    OhTheAgony, yes Flskwat and I attended the cup, but only on monday. We actually were on the Herborizer booth to give the team a little help and ...appreciate their vapes -during the all afternoon. Special afternoon under the sign of some kusher kush generously offer by DNA Gen. .:D Back to the...
  12. Raf007

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Petit message d'information officielle pour corriger celle apport par Bob34 ;) "Magic-Flight ne cherche PAS faire fabriquer des produits en Europe. --Magic-Flight"
  13. Raf007

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Salut toi Bob! et Bienvenue sur FC ! ;) Ca fait plaisir de voir des nouveaux membres, qui plus est qui postent des CR aussi dtaill. Mini info, les sites lacentralevapeur et planetevapo vendent bien la dernire version au mme prix et cela se voit (depuis peu il est vrai j'ai l'impression)...
  14. Raf007

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    Same as Vitolo here. And soon celebrating one year of happyness with my LSV ! ;)
  15. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud not entirely true. That's all I can say even if I wish I could say more. :D On the VXC subject: Very happy to see that despite all the pbs, the VapeXhale Team sticked to it standards and word no matter what !! Can't wait to take off on my own Cloud !
  16. Raf007

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Will report on the UD too soon. Got to try it quickly last week and really enjoyed to finally try a logvape...and not any logvape ! Just wanted to ad, that I personnaly prefer a VT over an AV for one reason, a little more flavour with the VT due to no water. Also wanted to ad that I never got...
  17. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    THIS, is what I like to read !! SM55 and all the Xhale team keeping their heads straight and honoring their word despites all the launching "disagreements" !! Little note on the side in case it's not to late to change: I agree with NotmyrealUSERname, UPS sometimes try to charge more than what...
  18. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Well I do not know about that. All I know is SM told me I could pre order in April 2010. I asked him if I had to have the Cloud send to a USA adress in order to be able to preorder and then order. He answered me that they would ship to France if I was willing to take the risk with the 110V and...
  19. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Got Dammit, doesn't seem to want to let me pay for some unknown reason ! I want that VXL now, one day it will be mine, oh yeah !! :cool: Please, SM55, my only hope, answer to my previous emails :D
  20. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    StoneMonkey55 and all the team... First Congrats !!! Finally the wait is over ! So excited to get my Cloud...soon... but when... I got on the list on day 3 but haven't got any emails... Am I the only one here ?? SM55: I just sent you an email about that.
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