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  1. Raf007

    Arizer Solo

    yes...motus de notre coté. On attend de tes news ;)
  2. Raf007

    Arizer Solo

    Salut Egzoset, je viens de voir ta question qui date de juillet... :/ sache que je ne l'ai tout simplement pas vu avant ce soir. Bon ceci dit j'aurai pas pu te répondre par la positive pas plus qu'aujourd'hui d'ailleurs. Faudrait que tu poses la question au fabricant. ..Et je sais que tu as...
  3. Raf007

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    He means the capsule. We both re assembled a capsule, I being a bit less successfull and ending up with a not so perfect circle. But it worts just fine. It's a pain in the ass to do imho though. Just take the white part out by levering it trom the center with a pen for ex and push from the...
  4. Raf007

    Un équivalent français à l'ISO?

    oui les sachets en plastique avec fermeture zippée. Clairement le fait du 70° alors. L'important étant que tu aies pu trouver ton bonheur ! En tout cas bien vu comme technique.
  5. Raf007

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    Hot pad is really unecessary imHe. You really are safe to lay down your LSV on any surface, of course if you are living the room for a long time I would advise to turn it off. ;)
  6. Raf007

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Same experience as Vitolo, you can go ahead and continue. I also tried with Damiana. It's all good. I find the taste with stick to the LB dunring at least a full trench of MJ, maybe more, with spearmint also. But it does not ruin the taste for ever at all.
  7. Raf007

    digital vaporiser

    Allisson??? :D what's the IP here ?
  8. Raf007

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    you just have to register on vaporpedia to edit any post if you want.
  9. Raf007

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    not yet able to recognize touches but yes it's the same for wands, which can be problematic sometimes actually, because one 1cm makes a huge diffy. I had a fatty that I could not vape with bcause of that. On your pic Vitolo I would prefer the wand on the right ;). Stickstones, same than you...
  10. Raf007

    Vaporfection Using Shill Posters

    awards winning don't always go with quality, remember the vapezilla? hightime winner !..and so many winners on these cups are just the one that pay the more, same go with weed strains...not all the time and in all the cup, but in part of those big commecial cups, that is the case. Moreover, if...
  11. Raf007

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    you had a beta of the cloud 2 years agos already ? so that makes that one year and a half before release ??? ...lucky you. I never realised you had your beta that before. Funny that you get an LSV to wait for a cloud then, as I did two years ago when they released the LSV ;) I concure with...
  12. Raf007

    Un équivalent français à l'ISO?

    cool ! prend un ziplock la prochaine fois, c'est encore plus simple et tu peux mettre plusieurs pièces même temps ;) si tu chauffe ton alcool, tu l’évapore forcement un peu, non ? T'as essayé 5 min sans bain marie aussi? Et pour préciser, les 30 min auxquelles je pensais c t pour l'ABV et les...
  13. Raf007

    Un équivalent français à l'ISO?

    confirmé, ca passera aussi. Faut peut être faire masserer un peu plus longtemps que 30 min. Les ricains utilisent souvent ça (vodka everclear par ex). Le mieux étant de l'alcool non dénaturé donc, soit pour conso humaine.
  14. Raf007

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    size matter so much when it comes down to..... WPA .... :D I have 3 7th Floor WPAs, One of them is part of their first blown WPA which is longer than the short WPA in Vitolo's pic and shorther than the long one, and that's my daily driver. I use the short one fot more effective extraction, and...
  15. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I get more than two, it was a metaphore, meaning it's a good one hitter, and I'm pretty sure that someone with good lungs and willing to can cut those 12 hits in 6 ;) Purpl3_Haz3 explained it well. But clearly at equal amount compare to the LSV the Cloud is more efficient to extract the THC...
  16. Raf007

    L'Oracle: Vaporisateur Infrarouge de BMI

    oui, hélas la société qui le fabrique n'existe plus. Le créateur ne répond plus aux emails depuis plusieurs mois et aucune explications.
  17. Raf007

    Un équivalent français à l'ISO?

    oui, dans certaines pharmacies. Moi aussi la javel m'a fait bondir presque.
  18. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Clearly the LSV has not the same heat retention capacity, which means, begin with a soft draw before drawing more natural. The other small risk is combustion if you don't know your vape and put it at full blast 5min and start hiting slowly. Like an SSV and some other vapes. Ime I only combusted...
  19. Raf007

    Un équivalent français à l'ISO?

    Alcool à 90, on est donc tranquille, c'est compatible avec le contact alimentaire :D Par contre le vinaigre n'y suffit pas si tu ne laves pas très régulièrement le verre. En tout cas c'est ce qui m'est arrivé plusieurs fois. Et les produits que je cite sont assez clean et approuvés un peu...
  20. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    My VXC early version is still working too and still make that tickling annoying sound....alas ;) Reading qome of the posts here I wonder if some of you guys tried an LSV to compare ? (If I remember well you had an LSV IamKrazy2) Because eventhough I really like the Cloud, I barely use it...
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