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  1. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    She's a real beaut SirusSirus :)
  2. Peloton

    Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

    Love me some Slug...
  3. Peloton

    Da Buddha vs Underdog (tough choices)

    Good point mmenzie, you definitely can load a small bowl in the DBV. Hits kind of weak with a small load (unfavorable vapor to air ratio), but will eventually get you there, no? Yes it works, but you can't expect to get as dense of vapor like if you loaded that pinch in something more...
  4. Peloton

    Da Buddha vs Underdog (tough choices)

    All I can suggest is to not spend any time on the UD website, or thinking about what custom creation could be made from the world's most exotic woods... once you see or imagine the one, it's all over. :lol:
  5. Peloton

    Da Buddha vs Underdog (tough choices)

    I used a VVPS for a while. It is nice to be able to control your temp easily. If you're the tinkering type, or perhaps like really low or high temp vapor, it'd be worth looking into. However, my VVPS crapped out on me a while back... apparently they don't like being left on for months on end...
  6. Peloton

    Da Buddha vs Underdog (tough choices)

    Always glad to help... let us know if you have any more questions :)
  7. Peloton

    Da Buddha vs Underdog (tough choices)

    Hi there. Let me preface by saying I own an UD, and a close friend has a DBV (per my suggestion, because he wanted something relatively hands free to hit while gaming). Heat up time - UD: Nonexistent because its always on. DBV: ~5-10 minutes. However, I remember reading somewhere that 7th...
  8. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    4-5 hits a stem here also, depending on how far I feel like pushing it. I stir between hits.
  9. Peloton

    What should I choose for my first vape?

    Hi, welcome to FC AbysmalCreation. I think it's great you and your father want to get into vaporizing, even though your first experience wasn't the best. There's plenty of options out there! How much do you and your father usually use per session? Different vaporizers can hold anywhere from...
  10. Peloton

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Funny you say that Jam, I've used a similar comparison to explain the T1 to my friends. I tell them the T1 is much like a manual transmisson race car with no traction control or ABS. Very straightforward, purpose built, and no frills. It is an incredible performer in capable hands, but is not...
  11. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Cool man good choice. Be sure to share some pictures or videos with us if you're the media type. And welcome to FC!
  12. Peloton

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Glad to hear that we'll soon be able to buy just the Cloud by itself. As badass as these Hydratubes are, and as much as I'd love to own 1 of each, the package price is just a bit out of my reach, being a starving college student and all. I know what'll be on my xmas list for myself :)
  13. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Good choice JD, that's the one I used when I had a VVPS. Hard to resist that sweet flame paint job!! But unfortunately mine broke after a few months. The good news is that exchanges are really easy with that seller. Hope you like!
  14. Peloton

    14mm or 18mm nail, how do I know?

    Well, if you can't get your hands on a ruler or measuring tape, a 14mm joint is about the same diameter as a dime. Put a dime up to your joint, if the dimes more or less the same size then its a 14mm, if it wants to fall in its an 18mm. That's the easiest non-sci way I can think of.
  15. Peloton

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Another Borderlands 2 player here, I'm having a lot of fun with it. I like the weapons that you throw when you reload, and they explode like grenades. I play Zero.
  16. Peloton

    The CVault - Climate Controlled Storage

    OK, totally impressed with this thing. I've used it exclusively since I got it, and I don't foresee me using anything but CVaults for storage anytime soon. It is really that good. The Humidipak is what really sets this apart from other storage methods in my mind. Having your herb stored...
  17. Peloton

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Ooh, excellent point - I forget the EVO interface is much easier to switch carts/cores/whatever on, compared to unscrewing the T1 core, which sometimes leaves me like :rant:. Picking up just the atomizer wouldn't be a bad idea at all.
  18. Peloton

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    1/2. Yes, that's all you need is a "conversion kit" like that. But you're right, I can't find a LV conversion kit either, which is what you need. That SV conversion kit wouldn't work with your LV batteries. I would shoot the team an email, they'll get you fixed up. Or you could piece together...
  19. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Love the PH, Hitomi... the grain is so beautiful in person, isn't it? After a sesh and a fresh wax, I sometimes find myself getting lost in the lines of mine...
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