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  1. bigtvapes

    Busted at work, oh no!

    You're looking at this positively. I respect the hell out of that. That's crazy that you get injured and they end up forcing you into a drug test. Hopefully you'll be better off without these jerks. You seem like a smart dude who knows what he's doing, I'm sure you'll find another gig. I'm glad...
  2. bigtvapes

    Called out of work... because i want the day off.

    Nothing wrong with taking a personal day every so often. You need time off. If it's not a habit no one will say anything about it. I never understand people who don't use sick time (unless you get paid back for it, which doesn't happen at any of my jobs) I used to work in a warehouse and...
  3. bigtvapes

    Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)

    JeffP my ABV pre-ground was a half of a cup was between 6 and 7 grams, which is basically a quarter ounce. I tried making ABV brownies today it didn't work out. Here's what I did maybe we can figure out where I went wrong: 1) I took about a half ounce of ABV and fine ground it in an...
  4. bigtvapes

    The MMA Discussion Dojo

    Rousey is amazing. Yea MMA became my favorite sport a few years ago with that Griffin/Bonnar TUF finale. I was at a bar watching that fight. I'd had a mild open-minded interest in MMA before that but wasn't into it all that much. Well the fight was on one TV because I'd asked for it and...
  5. bigtvapes

    PUFFiT portable

    Play with the cap. Also, try to charge it again for awhile and try it again. Mine was funky to me at first too but since I've gotten the hang of how to activate it I havent had any problem at all.
  6. bigtvapes

    Da Buddha

    I've had mine for a couple weeks now and I've gotten used to packing less and lowering my heat. Its all personal preference, I just found I prefer to take a smoother approach to vaping.
  7. bigtvapes

    Coconut Oil, Folks ( Highest Saturated Fat Content )

    I tried a cold infusion method with cannola oil. Hope I didn't make a mistake :-(
  8. bigtvapes

    Making Cannabutter with Samuel L. Jackson

    I'm trying to make brownies using cold infused oil based on a discussion I saw on here. Seems easy if one is patient. When I do it I'll let you know how it turned out :-)
  9. bigtvapes

    Bit of a noob here - need some help

    It's the age old battle of smoking vs vaping. Without getting too nerdy, smoking delivers a more "stoned" type high because of one thing: smoke. The smoke itself when burning cannabis creates a lethargic feeling on the brain. When mixing with the THC, it gives you that "stoney" feeling that...
  10. bigtvapes

    How much less do you consume since vaporizing?

    When smoking, I always used a coarse grind and I would say after I grind down to what I use in my Puffit, it's just as much if not more material then I used when smoking. Going from coarse grind to fine grind cuts the surface area of my material in half. So if I'm packing MORE surface area...
  11. bigtvapes

    How much less do you consume since vaporizing?

    I pack both my Puffit and my DBV pretty well and I still seem to go through the same amount of stuff I did when I was smoking. Although I'm vaping a lot right now, because I've had more time off recently and less things to do. And I just started maybe two weeks ago so it's like a new toy...
  12. bigtvapes

    PUFFiT portable

    This is the only thing that concerns me with this device. It's almost too stealth. I'm worried some dumb kids will be rocking vape rips in class or something and drawing unnecessary attention on the device.
  13. bigtvapes

    PUFFiT portable

    Yea mine's got the taste. It's not this overbearing, tongue coating horror show that some have described but it's there and I wish it wasn't. It's literally ONE downside to the plethora of good things about this device.
  14. bigtvapes

    Thoughts on a sub 200 vape for a new guy

    It takes some getting used to figuring out how well you'll draw fix how hot you like your materials. Just like any vape. That's all.
  15. bigtvapes

    Da Buddha

    Hey guys about a week in I'm still loving my DBV. It does exactly what I need it to do. I got a good deal on it at my local head shop and I feel its been worth every penny and then some. I most likely will never smoke in my home ever again. I have a few minor questions to pose to...
  16. bigtvapes

    Thoughts on a sub 200 vape for a new guy

    I got the DBV immediately after I realized I wanted more than what my Puffit could offer. It's a good device for me so far. Head over to the DBV forums here for some great ideas and tips. The "learning curve" is present but it gets a bit overstated at times. Follow the instructions in...
  17. bigtvapes

    Thoughts on a sub 200 vape for a new guy

    Yea I am experiencing the placticy taste. It's not strong and overpowering but it's there. I contacted the company though and they're attempting to make it right.
  18. bigtvapes

    PUFFiT portable

    I think he's saying that if you try to contact the company directly and respectfully you might be pleasantly surprised at the results.
  19. bigtvapes

    Thoughts on a sub 200 vape for a new guy

    I was looking for a sub-$200 myself a week ago for my first vape. Got the Puffit. I like it, but craved more and got a killer deal on a DBV which I'm very into. Both are great for what they are. DBV is excellent in it's simplicity (still a learning curve but nothing you can't handle if...
  20. bigtvapes

    Most stealthy portable vape

    As far as stealth range, what do you guys think are the chances of people smelling your vape usage? I noticed it in someone's car once when I had gotten in just after some friends have vaped. And I know people have done it at movie theaters without anyone noticing, but I wouldn't risk that...
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