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  1. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    210 works well for me
  2. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Welcome! I've found that, since you're medical and can visit a dispensary and have a choice, the indica weed triggers my hunger WAY better than the sativa. But everyone's different, so you might have to experiment a little. I've also found that it's a fine line between using enough to trigger...
  3. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Yeah, I just got some new kush, so it tastes a bit different than the other I had been using. Different strain, so still getting used to smell/taste. Also, I've got temp set to 210. Strangely enough, my brother has an E too and when he sets his to 210, you can smell the bowl more and see more...
  4. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Yeah, I started with the whip, but like I said, there are so many different variables with it. Plus, the elbow screen clogs in a NY minute that way! :) So the bag is cool. I'll try using less herb and see how that goes. Also, is it safe to assume that when you no longer see vapor going into...
  5. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Ahhhhh, but it's so very nice! How 'bout if I packed the elbow? Do you think that would be a better thing for me to try? I was using the whip, but I was having a hard time getting it just right ... sometimes I would get blown into next week and other times not. And, for me, it creeps up on...
  6. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    OK, so I've tried the whip and now I've tried the balloon. I like the balloon better ... can get a more consistent effect, but I only need one good toke, so I only fill the balloon with about that much. The problem is, it seems like I'm burning thru my herb more quickly. Filled a bowl Sat...
  7. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Great news ... I just found out my hemoglobin rose by 3/10 of a point in the past 10 days, negating my need for a transfusion! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!! ! So NOW I'll have to vape in celebration!!!!!!! ;) Hey, new word: CELEVAPE xxoo Melissa
  8. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Too funny!!!!! :lol: Though not funny for your wallet! :rolleyes: Last night I turned my temp from 220 down to 210 and let it warm up a good long time, as per the vaporpedia instructions. Less vapor, but OMG it slapped me silly. And has anyone else found that vapor will sneak up on you 15...
  9. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    And it's a "heavier" hit than with the bowl, so perhaps I should take a smaller hit the first time? Or hold it in less time? xxoo Melissa
  10. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    After my one hit, if there's more left, can I just leave it there and use it again later? Melissa
  11. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Great instructions, Deep!!!! But right now, if I use the bowl on 220, one good hit and I'm wasted. I really don't need anything stronger than that right now. Is there a way to do an elbow hit ... just one ... that would be the equivalent of one bowl hit? Cuz I have no tolerance, am on the...
  12. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Ahhhh thanks, Illadelph! And what is the diff between using the elbow pack and the cyclone bowl besides thicker vapor? Does the elbow get you higher than the cyclone? Cuz I don't need THAT right now! LOL Does it use less herb? And does the screen come clean more easily that way (cuz I get...
  13. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Umpnum said: Pack the screen on the elbow and place it on the bowl (Usually empty) on the Extreme just like normal let it sit for a little bit to and then hit it just like you would as if herb were in the bowl. Can I use ground bud or does it have to be kief? And what, exactly, is kief...
  14. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    So then you put the packed elbow in just like you would the cyclone bowl with herb (only the bowl is empty) upside down? And how long do you have to let it heat up before you hit it? Is it way more of a high than the whip w/cyclone bowl? I've been getting plenty high on one hit off the whip...
  15. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    WHat's the best way to remove that elbow screen for cleaning? I use the whip only, so far, and it does get clogged mighty quickly ... I use it twice a day only ... one - two hits each time. xxoo Melissa
  16. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    I have found the same thing using the whip. I read the vaporpedia instructions on the elbow pack, but I didn't quite understand it. I mean, I understood how to pack the screen in the elbow, but the the elbow is upside down. Is this the elbow on the whip or what? And then how do you get the...
  17. M

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    I just got my Extreme ... my first vape. I'm a medical user who needs it for appetite. I tried it at 200, but only let the bowl warm up for about 5 minutes after reaching temperature. Maybe that wasn't long enough, but it wasn't enough for me to even know I was getting vapor and definitely...
  18. M

    New to vaping - munchies?

    Well, I tried vaping my kush, last night, at 210 rather than 220. This was the first weed with which I got my awesome munchies. Well, no such happenin' last night ... I was so disappointed!!!! Couldn't even eat dinner. :( Think I should vape a little higher temp on this one? I suspect I...
  19. M

    New to vaping - munchies?

    How can you tell when your bowl is all done? Does it just all turn darkish with no more green? Melissa
  20. M

    New to vaping - munchies?

    Yeah, I have the 3rd one as well. If I vape at a lower temp, I can't see any vapor when I exhale or turn on the fan, and I'm not experienced enough with it to know if my herb is still vaping or if it's spent. ;) I just got it day before yesterday, so am learning it. It's so strange to inhale...
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