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  1. ElevatedMindset

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    [/IMG] I got it in but bud is falling through because its not secure/tight in there. Its not milking my bong really either. I used a heating cover sized screen, they didnt give me one.
  2. ElevatedMindset

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    Im trying to form it but It wont stick nor block the whole thing... I cant get it
  3. ElevatedMindset

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    I just got a single honeycomb straight bong. Where do I fill the water too? And I bought a M/M adapter. But I cant get the screen in there.. Any way to do that?
  4. ElevatedMindset

    What do you do for a living?

    I'm now unemployed too.. hurting for a job badly.
  5. ElevatedMindset

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    So what is better the Swagger Showercap, Tree or Circ? I don't think I can recall using any of them in a piece before, if I have I don't recall. I read the showercap would be best for flavor?
  6. ElevatedMindset

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    Yeah I love scraping my wand and putting some in a bowl with some flowers. Really can tell the difference and I get huge clouds.
  7. ElevatedMindset

    FakeXhale Cloud (Unauthorized and Unsupported)

    You'd think if someone had their hands on ALL of these he would do at least some research about it..
  8. ElevatedMindset

    More vapor from certain strains?

    Ah I wish I had a selection like you did. Haha
  9. ElevatedMindset

    More vapor from certain strains?

    Good thread. I just recently got some bud that wouldn't produce any vapor whatsoever. My guy said it was fresh and he didn't have time to cure it, before he told me I put a carrot in it because I thought it was dry(don't ask) next day it was too moist and didn't vape any better. So i left it in...
  10. ElevatedMindset

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    I found pinhead size seeds too.. Or maybe I'm just imagining but I believe they are seeds.. So I left it open in the mason jar for a while then shut it last night and now I vaped some today, I'm getting more vapor then I did before. But the hits aren't really potent at all. I feel high but not...
  11. ElevatedMindset

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    I doubt he did that. He told me he just cut it basically. I don't know what he did.
  12. ElevatedMindset

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    I won't find out most likely haha. Hopefully tomorrow it will be okay to vape. If I got it when it was fresh, why would it feel dry?
  13. ElevatedMindset

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    Yeah that's a really good point. He usually does it at the same time I believe. Is there any other variables you can think of? I should ask him if he cut it down early. But the thing is I've bought "mids" before and vaped it, I got good vapor from that as well. So wouldn't the quality of this...
  14. ElevatedMindset

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    I shoulda just dried it out right away.. It seemed dry though when I got it.. Welp Ill see if it works soon. It's 43 here in Wisco. I turned it up and it still didnt work.
  15. ElevatedMindset

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    I thought the same, but it's usually good stuff so I never complained until now.. This is why I wish I lived in a medical state. I'm leaving my mason jaropen about 6 feet from my heater vent on my ceiling. Hopefully that will dry it out fast.. I have nothing else to lose.
  16. ElevatedMindset

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    I know that's why I want some suggestions lol. I basically described it as best as I can. Him not curing it wouldn't make a huge difference would it? He told me "I wish I had time to cure it all" but I've gotten it from him in the past and it was "fresh off the tree" like he said this was too...
  17. ElevatedMindset

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    Well it can't be my LSV because I tried some ABV of a different batch and it got me thicker vapor then a fresh bowl of this.. The vape does dry it, but still no vapor from when it is dry. It stll has trichs on it but not as much as usual. EDIT: I just got a hit from it on around 3-4 o clock, I...
  18. ElevatedMindset

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    Idk why I tried to moisten it, I did that and now its fluffy and a little moist, its not dense at all. It was sorta dry when I got it so I thought why not moisten it(sigh). Now its not vaping any better.. So should I dry it out?
  19. ElevatedMindset

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    I might as well just smoke this now.. It doesn't work in the vape whatsoever! This is so frustrating.
  20. ElevatedMindset

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    So what about my question? The weed I have now is moist and still won't vape, now what?
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