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  1. HoneyAir

    The HI

    I planned to make a post about my HI, but have been putting it off while I struggle to master my battles with Darth Combustion. I've been using the LED dimmer to bring the voltage to 11.8v under load and have had wonderful non-combustive sessions... but then just combusted out of the blue...
  2. HoneyAir

    The HI

    I was on the list a year and 2 months before I got mine... that of course includes a long downtime in which Alan moved and setup a better workshop that moves along at a much better pace. So it won't be that long for you. It costs nothing to get on the list, so send Alan an email to get...
  3. HoneyAir

    The HI

    Some adapters give out VAC and some VDC-- on my multimeter the VDC adapter has a stable voltage while the VAC will have a constantly alternating voltage. If there is something I'm not understanding correctly here then let me know. Most 12v adapters on the market are VDC, the Jameco is listed as...
  4. HoneyAir

    The HI

    My Jameco power adapter (same as that was sold with the PD) is at about 14.3vac without load so it is too hot-- combusts after one second so the only method I could use with it is the dipping method (dip, remove, dip, remove). Tried another power adapter at 12.3vdc and its much better, but is...
  5. HoneyAir

    The HI

    Well, this thread needs some HI porn! I liked the woods that were more red in color but did not need an exotic type, so Red Cedar turned out to be a choice I could go for. It is a softer wood so it has the risk of picking up more dings and scratches... I didn't mind as I consider those...
  6. HoneyAir

    The HI

    ... and the list marches on! I got on the list March 15th, 2012..... and I just got contacted for the details of my HI today! Thought I'd share this info for anyone near this place on the list, wondering how close their blessed day may be! :)
  7. HoneyAir

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Adapter: It is worth it having a cheap multimeter so that you can check if it is still providing voltage or not. If it isn't, usually its the tip that is broken and not the adapter itself... I bought a solderable tip and was able to quickly fix any problems with the tip if a wire broke off...
  8. HoneyAir

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Agreed. I've been on the waiting list for the HI. The HI (Heat Island) keeps the heat in the middle without spreading to the sides to char the wood. It also has my favorite and "must have" feature; a removable resistor so it can be replaced extremely easily if it wears out. In the...
  9. HoneyAir

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Yeah, because a high number of the wooden bodies were charred too much to be realistically repaired, so he didn't want to cost anyone any more money (shipping cost) for nothing.
  10. HoneyAir

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably. Cannabis has been shown to shut off that mechanism. Ask your doctor to back up what he/she said with facts. One such fact is that there is a significant difference...
  11. HoneyAir

    The HI

    We're all waiting for Alan to have good news about moving into a new place. It is only then that he can unpack his stuff and work on creating these vapes again. I believe the delay is in being able to sell his place before he can move into a new place?
  12. HoneyAir

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    At a quick glance I couldn't find a website for ease of purchase, so if you're willing to call or email someone to get these resistors then there seems to be a lot of distributors in Canada with their phone number/email in this link--
  13. HoneyAir

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    It might be hard to slide it right out, since the wood on top may have shrunk a bit from the heat. So if you're finding it impossible to slide it right out, you may have to widen the hole on top. I did have to widen mine. Once you're sure the wood isn't preventing it from sliding out, slide...
  14. HoneyAir

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    If you have a multimeter you can verify that you are pumping in at least 12v, but you did say that you tried with a new Jameco... When my resistor failed and I opened up my PD, I found my resistor cracked in half (and another poster here also reported the same thing). I wonder if yours may...
  15. HoneyAir

    The HI

    Alan is in the process of moving, so for a few months now he has not been able to work on them. Currently the wait on the list is about a year, although Alan says things will move much faster than before once he is in his new place.
  16. HoneyAir

    Discontinued A Hot Pod

    The most useful soldering tip learned in class many, many years ago-- make sure both items to be soldered are hot-- they bond better than if one hot piece is soldered to a cold piece. So make sure both pieces have received heat from the soldering iron. You only need the smallest, basic...
  17. HoneyAir

    Discontinued A Hot Pod

    My favorite log vape advancement is the user-replaceable resistor [did not like having to hack into my PD to replace mine] so that is definitely a pro of this Hot Pod! :) All future log vapes by any manufacturer should include this IMHO. Resistors are bound to wear out over time especially at...
  18. HoneyAir

    Underdog Log Vapes

    If taking a log vape outside, you can use an insulator like those that you slip over an aluminum beer can...
  19. HoneyAir

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    If you mean the Jameco power adapter that came with the PD....
  20. HoneyAir

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    You know how expensive it can get out there. I will always love log vapes for their efficiency. I've saved so much that far exceeds the cost of this item... so I just consider that I came out ahead. Others are taking this idea in better ways. I absolutely love the user-replaceable resistor...
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