New versions?!?! i thought id never see the day sounded like they have been a long time coming! this heating element is by far just the tits i cant wait to see it in some new versions! I would like to see something just like the supreme but just self contained with a built in lighter somehow or...
LR 306 are by far the biggest upgrade for the price you can add to any 510 threading they eat juice but are so nice to indulge on i use the cisco brand and still have my 2 original i ordered a month and a half ago.... My omega hits like a beast with an 18650 and lasts forever its like a dream...
ripple - hmmmm both lighters are gettin frisky on you huh? i would say if 12 o'clock is empty mine twists to about 1 maybe 15 minutes after one so not too big of a turn at all.. I usually load the bowls on the smaller side too seems to work better for me when the bowl is half to 3/4 full and i...
Maybe you just have a crazy bunk lighter that burns to hot? idk man I dont have a problem keeping my flame real low with some space between it and the lighter and its blue so i think that may just be the problem.. i bet if you emailed the manufacturer they would be willing to help you out they...
They probably are just busy I just read a lot of posts about Randy on here and he does seem to be a stand up guy. yeah I am probably just over analyzing the whole thing as i usually do (sort of ocd impatient) and just the fact that he said it'd be in the mail that day (4/21) I just started to...
I recently won the last vape-or-smoke contest and i emailed him the morning of 4/21 and randy emailed me back promptly saying he would get the VoS in the mail that day... well now its been like 11 days and still nothing I emailed him on the 27th for an update or confirmation and still nothing...
I always like the sipping method.. push in battery wait 2-3 and then sip the vapor out and repeat two or three times per hit and it always worked well for me... then shake and repeat i found this method easier for my friends to use it as well :2c:
really thats odd I am not saying its hard to combust in the VoS but i have gotten this thing down to an almost science... my recommendation is to double up on your long screen or get a thicker (important) and higher wire count screen . this will arrest more of the flame from the lighter and make...
i dont get the butane headache like you maybe it was from combusting ? who knows or inhaling the butane after the flame went out like you said perhaps? but the VoS does it a pipe taste if you do a big combustion but you can get rid of that taste and bring it back to new with a 10 min soak in iso...
wow i cant believe it thank you everyone and puffitup! i am so blessed and grateful to be this years 420 winner i promise to use it well :) !!! Full and better review of this with a video because these things deserve more love!
thanks for the update VoS! im really lookin forward to those attachments! cant wait to see what you guys build next for this! Skoll I just picked one of these up and I have to say i am diggin it so far, idk if they changed the screen package but mine came with 2 long screens to bend i put them...
^^^ +1 i wanna know more about the e cigg attachment and when it will be out tha is the only thing keeping me from pulling the trigger on one of these...
The Supreme milking my craigslist zong i just swooped for 30 bucks! nonthin fancy but still fun to milk i tried making a vid with my EXq but wasnt nearly as satisfying.....
no it is not the actual temp of the air and if im not mistaken no vape on the market today has a completely accurate air temp sensor they are all reference points my point is the supremes digital temp therm is very sensitive itself +-2F so i know exactly where I am at... OO you are trying to dig...
I dont know I have no doubt that this vaporizer will be amazing but for 500 he is eliminating a majority of the market and he may sell 1000 units at 500 but Im sure he could sell 15,000 at 199.99 no problem this thing would dominate the portable market! especially in times like this the most...
OO what you are failing to realize is the supreme is much more like a gradual temp vape than a all at once torcher like a vapman or lotus..... everytime i say this but you must not respect or read my reviews and opinion instead you keep making arrogant claims which anyone who is or ever has used...
supreme FTW i love this bad boy and it will pump out the vapor go read the supreme thread and watch the youtube vids i promise this vape wont disappoint.. great but for 190 off ebay i couldnt be happier