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  1. G

    whats the best vaporizer i should buy $50-$100

    +1 for the gn0me! if you have glass to run it through it is amazing tasting and very clean vape that is all glass and nothing but air goes in to the heat exchanger. like 50 bucks or something for the GonG version i like it better than the slider (but the slider is only 32 bucks) but I am a gn0me...
  2. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Okay after some more rounds with the herc and 1 cleaning I have noticed that a big black ball of residue forms at the base of my ceramic rod I think it may just be leftover matter from the extract that isn't honey gold pure but still really nice.. I notice it starting to build up again and it...
  3. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    yeah I figured I'd be fine either way, even when i was skeptical it didn't stop me from using it I have found a new love... Tried the carts before but I like the herc setup way better myself now i just need to save up for the iris v2 top and ill be locked and loaded. This thing is a monster and...
  4. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Yeah well just without the heat shield the melting plastic thing sparked my ocd ( i know it was just a couple freak cases but I just get in a mood sometimes) and I just started attaching pieces of my Supreme vaporizer to cool it and make the tube longer so the Mouth piece wouldn't get so hot. At...
  5. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Some clouds my buddy was blowin for ya :) and I took out like the first 20 seconds of heating
  6. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Good because I don't want to stop ripping it! yeah I dont mind sacrificing .2 for the greater good of the herc but i can see how that could frustrate some (it would be if I didn't have a decent supply) but I would still sacrifice for it anyway this thing is a boss... Tastes super bomb and I like...
  7. G

    Joe's Omicron V2

    I am also interested if everyone else falls through que me up but no pressure
  8. G

    Discontinued Thermovape Alpha Ultralite

    I would be interested as well! would love to buy an adapter or figure something out pm me or I will get in touch with you. I wish I had the know how and tools to make an adapter myself
  9. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    okay so I am loving the Herc but I was wondering if anyone shares the concern of the heating element base having a small leak where oil gets trapped under the heating element. I feel like mine does this and I know the whole cart gets really hot should I be worried about electronics getting that...
  10. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    ive never tried but i doubt well... the air intake holes would just leak it out even 100% vg super thick oil i would think would probably be too thin... unless maybe you did it drop by drop or lined the inside with SS wool to try and keep the juice from leaking?? then again ive never tried so...
  11. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    the heat doesn't seem to be too big of an improvement with/without the heat shield I might be draining my batts a little quicker but i like it without the heat shield and it is easy to see if it leaks and quick to clean... ill do some more testing with it on but it didn't seem to make that big...
  12. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    yeah same i just use the scooper and drop it in. mclovin does your oil stay in the tank though? did you read my above post im just trying to make sure I have this thing figured out as well
  13. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    okay so a couple questions on the herc... from what i think i was reading from G you want the oil to be vaped as its coming out of the tank on the rod but I think maybe the wax i have is too gooey or liquidy and i can't seem to keep it in there as soon as it gets hot even if i try and just keep...
  14. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    so i was gifted a persei and herc cart and i must say this thing needs instructions for the herc cart.... so I came up here found some good info.. I boiled my carts but i was afraid of burning the mouth piece so I decided to run the unit without the heat shield or mouth piece with my supreme...
  15. G

    Discontinued Gn0me - lighter based vaporizers

    okay so the best way is with a medium size flame for me.. If the flame is too big I just tend to over heat or unevenly heat i guess, either way it turns out freckled with places of sub combustion but with the smaller flame it takes about 5-10 more seconds but i get a much nicer, more even vape...
  16. G

    Discontinued Gn0me - lighter based vaporizers

    Yeah I am still deciding on what kind of flame i like better. I use a propane torch at home so i can crank it up and heat it within 10-15 seconds but it doesnt seem to heat the glass as evenly as when i keep the flame lower.
  17. G

    Discontinued Gn0me - lighter based vaporizers

    okay today I am officially making the video but here is what I have to say for my initial impressions. Both of these vaporizers are awesome! I must say the GonG gn0me is a bit more finicky when it comes to keeping it at the sweet spot IMO. The slider seems easier for me to evenly heat and get...
  18. G

    Discontinued Gn0me - lighter based vaporizers

    okay so i got my gn0mes and i havent really had a chance to test them out yet but i looked them over and i was wondering has anyone tried throwing glass screens (the ones that look like jax) and then put finer grind in their gn0mes? food for thought might try it out later and will post some pics
  19. G

    Discontinued Gn0me - lighter based vaporizers

    My Gn0mes are out for delivery today and I could not be more excited! Will definitely be posting some pics and vids in like 5 hours when it officially arrives! Thanks to everyone and FC that I could even find a diamond in the ruff like this and special thanks to Gammy and everyone who has posted...
  20. G

    Discontinued Gn0me - lighter based vaporizers

    I emailed Calen he said that the gn0mes would be fine to use in the cold so big relief there!
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