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  1. G

    Discontinued Epicvape EV-1/EV-2

    I don't know if this is relevant or related but i had a gn0me for some time and then it started making the same cracking noise like glass breaking and sure enough about 10-20 uses after i heard the cracking it broke. The inventor of the gn0me told me that glass can have scratches in it...
  2. G

    The Herbalizer

    yeah this thing does look pretty damn impressive but unfortunately I was hoping for a better price point as well.. not saying it's overpriced in general just overpriced for me to buy in to it. Hope it does well but I don't want to see high end vapes exceeding the 500 price point even. The...
  3. G

    Best home vaporizer for me

    the vap2.0 is just really cheap for how awesome it is.. and you can you like and exq elbow piece to easily hook it up to water im not sure it they have an all glass water connection yet. but the vap2.0 is totally worth it super versatile and can provide monster hits from tiny amounts.
  4. G

    Best home vaporizer for me

    Vapolution 2.0.. I have used and tried about most vapes out there especially home units and if i had to go back and do it all over again all I would buy is the vap2.0 and a nice portable... The vap2.0 has all glass airpath and heating oven and is only 99usd. This thing far out performs my exq as...
  5. G

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    So I have to say I am very happy with my vapolution 2.0 and our bond grows stronger every day. I would consider myself a luxury toker and until recently had thought that luxury vapor comes at a price. What I considered to be my 2 luxury vapes (by luxury I mean flavor and production of clouds)...
  6. G

    Da Buddha or Pax

    honestly I am going to chime in +1 for the Vapolution it is cheaper than DBV and is all glass on glass with the AIWB but that is just my opinion. It is like a super lightweight log vape with adjustable temp and the all glass just wins it for me only 99.99 shipped to your door so if price is a...
  7. G

    Hey is you SSV still available? I am quite interested but have a couple quick quesitons

    Hey is you SSV still available? I am quite interested but have a couple quick quesitons
  8. G

    VaporTower or Vapolution?

    For me the pros outweigh the cons but i see your gripe. I agree it is not the most well constructed vaporizer but if this thing lasts me 2 years for 99 bucks I would still say that is a good investment. Biggest reasons I am pro Vap2.0 is all of the internal stuff is out of the airpath and that...
  9. G

    VaporTower or Vapolution?

    -1 for the Vapor tower... I have used my buddies more than a few times and being a recent purchaser of the Vap2.0 i would def get the vapolution... The vapor tower takes a long time for all of the glass surrounding the heating element to get hot enough to deliver good rips. I would say my...
  10. G

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    Vapolution should be arriving today I am stoked to have another all glass vape in the rotation. Also the straight shooter looks lke it was there pocket vaporizer that they have found another use for and I like how it can double as a stand alone portable.. probably will pick some of these up and...
  11. G

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    So after getting tired of my daily drivers and being recently inspired this past year by the gn0me and what a true all glass airpath tastes like I have decided to pull the trigger on this seemingly underrated bad boy. Can't wait for it to get here to give it another great review I am sure and...
  12. G

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    I am not trying to be rude but if you must give me an infraction for this post then so be it. I agree that people need to be more patient but mods and manufacturers you know people aren't and they are always going to want all of the information they can get. If no release date had ever been...
  13. G

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Idk making me a little nervous that this thing is supposed to launch in about a week and we haven't seen any videos (besides one that wasn't filmed very well) or real updates from beta testers or anything like that yet. Makes me wonder if they are in fact ready for the launch because it seems to...
  14. G

    Discontinued Gn0me - lighter based vaporizers

    when was the last time anyone heard from calen? I sent him an email about a week ago and nothin yet, my heating element broke and I am dying to get gn0ming again
  15. G

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    yeah +1 for no stirring.. The heating element is connected with the bowl in a way i feel like heat is evenly distributed from conduction and convection.. I wish more vaporizers would focus on the heating element. If some ninja glass blower ever combines a gn0me or vapor cone concept that has a...
  16. G

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    this thing looks so boss... I wanted a cera desperately but I think I now have to hold on and wait for this guy to see before i pull any triggers.. the all glass airpath is def the main reason I want to wait for this and I dont think unless you have hit a cloud or an all glass vaporizer you...
  17. G

    Discontinued Gn0me - lighter based vaporizers

    Honestly I wish I would have known about them much sooner in my vaping career and it seems only people landing on these are people who already own several vapes and are more experienced vaporists looking for a super clean way to smoke. It is so simple and efficient and delivers the cleanest...
  18. G

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I would say with pre orders yes... they are subject to change at a moments notice... and they have given estimates if you look back it is not like they are keeping you in the dark. If the company was past pre orders and in full production mode I would concur with you, but this is a completely...
  19. G

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    The jibberish is likely to follow this thread until pre orders and the chaos of the release has passed. All the hype on the Cera has sparked ceramadness disease that I feel won't be satiated until they are medicating with it in their hands.. I thin TV has been more than forthcoming about their...
  20. G

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Does anyone else notice residue building at the bottom of the rod? So I started reading G's posts and I really tried to keep the oil in the tank and it worked for the first few rips when I started inhaling after 3 seconds and then inhaled for another 5 or so with the button and another 5 or so...
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