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  1. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Picked up the ghost mv1 stealth edition. Very nice. Did a few crucibles with no troubles at all. That cleared the angry “Haze” I’ve been in since finding out they went out of business. The ghost hit like a champ and I love the crucible size. One haze pod is the equivalent of 2.5 to 3 ghost...
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    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    Wow @Summer, thanks for the reference, you really are on the ball when it comes to archived information retrieval. I can’t even remember what I read a few pages back. And thanks for video, if you didn’t give me the time marker, I probably wouldn’t watch it. I stopped watching the vape critic...
  3. F

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    Thanks to everyone for the useful info... Do most of you who have the mv1 find that their experience is similar to Troy from 420vapezone when he says he can do about 12-13 crucibles before the battery goes dead? Also what would you say is the breakdown when it comes to battery performance as...
  4. F

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    Just worried about future costs. I’m from Canada so the dollar is worth $hit. It’s $80 for a new battery so with tax, it’s over $90. :( Also, I’ve just started perusing this thread so forgive me if this has already been there a problem with the latch on the stealth edition? That’s...
  5. F

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    Hi all, Another haze square defector has arrived. Just doing some research in anticipation of replacing my haze square in the near future. Can anyone tell me how long the battery lasts before it needs to be replaced? I don’t mean how many draws you can get from a single charge. I’d like to...
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    I’ve already been looking around shops where I can pick up the mv1 locally. Being from Canada, I don’t want the hassle of dealing with customs and paying duty. Found it at the but it’s a pretty penny. Unit itself is 400 and then tack on the dispenser for 43 and fast charger for...
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    I too am debating the same thing. Do I run this machine into the ground and toss it or do I shelf it and pull it out for special occasions? Personally, I’ve had no problems with my unit which I’ve used daily for the last 6 months. Still on my original coil and battery. I have spare coils...
  8. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Disappointed that the haze square just fizzled out without a fight. But I can’t say I’m surprised. IMO, there were some fundamental design flaws that doomed this device from the start. All their makeshift solutions to address the issues resulted in a product that was too complicated and...
  9. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Has anyone needed to change their battery yet? Not sure when I need to swap it out. I’ve had my unit for about 4months and use it once a day but on high temps (~450F). It used to take me about 4-6hits to finish a bowl but now I find I need about 6-8hits and the abv is not as dark as before. Just...
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    But you haven’t needed to actually go thru the warranty process yet, right? Just want to hear someone say they got their RMA done promptly from them and I’ll order one right now.
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Anyone buy a hopper from If so, has anyone tried their warranty process? They say they take care of it in-house. I’d buy one from them if it’s true.
  12. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    @Haze Vaporizers, I saw your post in the vapelife forum that the micro dosing pods will be ready by the end of the week. Any chance of a preview? Just a quick video of how it performs would be nice...or even a photo of what to expect...
  13. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    1 draw at 445, 1 draw at 450, stir, 1 draw at 450, 1 draw at 455. Abv is dark chocolate brown. Done.:tup:
  14. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    I’ve finally mastered the square. Took a few pods to figure out the draw and pack, but now I’m crushing the pods in 4 hits. Don’t know if I need the micro dose pods now too because I find the pods are good as long as it’s packed at least half full, then tamped. Good job @Haze Vaporizers!
  15. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Thanks for telling me your experience. I’ve only done about 6-7pods so I’m trying to give it a chance before considering the possibility that it’s broken. How easy is it for you to get vapor? As simple as drinking water using a straw or do you have special technique? And how do you pack your...
  16. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    That’s my problem, I am having trouble feeling any vapor and heat when I draw. I think my seal is good because when I pull, the only place where I feel a leak is the from the vent where I am guessing it’s pulling in air to heat up. That’s why I’m thinking I’m not pulling in enough air. Maybe...
  17. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Thanks for everyone’s reponses. Another question: Anyone who is successful at getting clouds, can you describe your draw? How hard are you drawing? And do you feel the vapor in your mouth and do you feel the heat from it? My first few pods I thought I was drawing fast and hard but I didn’t...
  18. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Is there anyway to not fully pack the pod and get good clouds? Or does do I really have pack it to the top and make it fairly tight? My typical dosage in the grasshopper is .1 to .15g and I get 2 big hits from it. That’s what I would like from the haze square. Is that even possible? I think it...
  19. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Hi guys, Finally got the haze square yesterday but I’ve run into some trouble. I can’t seem to get any vapor production. I checked all the seals on the lid and tray. I pressed down on every square inch of the silicone and the metal filters seem to be snug and in place. Heater works as I can...
  20. F

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Is that 8 normal hits or are you double/triple pressing to make the each draw longer? And how many draws do you take to fully cash in a pod? In the vape critic’s review, I believe he said he got 37 draws at temps between 400-450. Is anyone getting similar results?
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