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  1. problemchild

    The Arizer Air

    I get all hyped up with you chaps over the air, then they launch it months and months after you over in the 'mother land', so frustrating! :huh:
  2. problemchild

    The Arizer Air

    :haw: you cant quote my pre edited post, when medicated I need to edit big time
  3. problemchild

    The Arizer Air

    3 x solos so far and cant wait for a proper 'crafty V air' you tube review, anybody seen one?
  4. problemchild

    The Arizer Air

    what about comparisons between the crafty and the air, where do their threads go?
  5. problemchild

    Vaporizing vs Smoking InfoGraphic

    Getting people to switch is difficult, although they are happy have a try. I think the £150 for a decent portable puts most part time people off ownership, a little
  6. problemchild

    Going back to smoking...So different...

    When my vape battery went, I had to hit the green roll-ups, one thing I do know is that smoking weed isn't addictive.
  7. problemchild

    Chemicals and Flavour

    For me the flavour sweet spot for the solo is 2-3
  8. problemchild

    Favourite Strain Appreciation Thread

    Vaping some blueberry and amnesia right now, blueberry needs a better flush
  9. problemchild

    Chemicals and Flavour

    My guess is flushing and chemicals will really alter flavour
  10. problemchild

    Chemicals and Flavour

    The connoisseur side of vaping the green is what I like most about the vape over smoking.
  11. problemchild

    Chemicals and Flavour

    This one is harsh on the throat, and i've got a haze that like fine wine. Hey, do males and females taste different? cheers Sorry, don't have the luxury of a dispensary/coffee shop. still banned in the uk so getting to know your source isn't happening.
  12. problemchild

    Chemicals and Flavour

    Recently been vaping an indica and it tastes very acrid. Why would this be, and has any body else noticed a big taste difference from sativas and indicas? cheers
  13. problemchild

    Favourite Strain Appreciation Thread

    SSH all time great strain... when properly grown, flushed and cured
  14. problemchild

    Arizer Solo

    When do you think a mk2 Solo will come out, a mk2 as in major changes?
  15. problemchild

    Arizer Solo

    Weed :rolleyes:
  16. problemchild

    Arizer Solo

    Just bought my 3rd Solo. Had to wake and bake with blunts over the w/e :spliff:. Chose it against all the other portables on value, no offense but no portable is worth over £150. Pn Pro nearly got the nod blunt W and B, verses, Vapor W and B: Like them both :), vapor has a cleaner effect...
  17. problemchild

    What Was Your Very First Vaporizer That You Owned.....

    Original Iolite, holding out with the solo at the moment, waiting for a PnP with a removable battery :)
  18. problemchild

    Any UK Vapers out there?

    Hi Ho med user and been using on and off sine 16, have hit the 40's and Live in London. Weapon of choice at the moment is the solo, its been through a battery change with vapefiend, it is a great round the house portable vape. Still will never forgive Gordon Brown and Jacqui Smith for making...
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