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  1. calimed

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    If the mixture is clumping up it probably wasn't mixed long enough or at the right temperature. How thick is your mixture? I've found that thinner mixtures wick a bit easier, but still get burnt hits randomly with BDC atomizers. My favorite atomizer is still the Smok dual coil cart with...
  2. calimed

    Flavoring EJmix/QWET tincture ?

    A friend of mine just whipped up a batch of EJ Mix with some GSC shatter...and ran it through a Kats homogenizer with a hint of d-limonene. It came out opaque, but the "EJMix" taste was more subtle than when manually stirred.
  3. calimed

    Flavoring EJmix/QWET tincture ?

    I've been curious about the T-Dux line.
  4. calimed

    Dabble Extracts!!! Best EVER !?!?!?

  5. calimed

    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    @215z I am totally open to constructive criticism! I really want to make this thing work consistently and will build another coil as you suggested and post what I come up with.
  6. calimed

    Help!! Best Way To Exract Oils?? For Extractors Only

    EJMix is extremely expensive for what it is. You could get 3 big bottles of each of the ingredients for just a pinch more than what comes in that little bottle.
  7. calimed

    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    I'm beginning to think drippers might be the way to go. Still haven't had much luck getting my KFL to wick well without leaking all over the place. Has anyone tried Pure Cure? Is this just a winterized QWET/QWISO product without any PG or VG? This stuff vapes ok in BUD/protanks, just...
  8. calimed

    San Jose stamps ordinance

    It sounds to me like the future of canna business in the South Bay will be huge growing warehouses with a small shop in front...and a lot of them. Would a 100-200lb harvest every 3 months be enough for a single club to stay open without running out of inventory?
  9. calimed

    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    @arrr it is a kFL clone from Tobeco. I've had a fair amount of leaking issues...but not sure if that is due to driving ~+-5000 feet daily or user error. @thisperson that is after a tank and a half of vaping. The original juice was light golden brown in color. @215z I changed the wick out...
  10. calimed

    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    Here is the latest build I have on my kayfun. Slightly more wick than the past couple builds, I tried wrapping some of the wick back over the top.
  11. calimed

    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    I'm having a horrible time getting my kayfun to wick well for more than half a tank...if that. If I take the tank apart and drip additional juice onto the coil/wick, it works great, but then the dry hits slowly come back. I've built micro coils from .5-1.8ohms and made sure the wick wasn't...
  12. calimed

    Tek Processing large amounts

    I'd get 1.5" vs. 1" diameter tubes. A 1.5x36 tube can hold a few ounces...but it varies depending on material. 2-3 of those and you can easily run over half a pound in one packing. The drill bit is to help get the used material out.
  13. calimed

    Tek Processing large amounts

    Check out glacier tanks for your tubes. A long drill bit and a stick does pretty well if you don't have an air compressor.
  14. calimed

    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    I'm still super new to building my own coils, but I was running a .5 ohm coil yesterday and a 1.4 today on a stingray clone with a IMR 18650 3.7v battery. Hitting the sub-ohm was awesome, but unless I pulsed the button and took the smallest hit...which was still a lung full, I'd cough up a...
  15. calimed

    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    I have been loving bho thinned out with 90/10 PG/VG in a kayfun with a cotton wick build. The clouds I'm getting are much bigger than most standard tanks or the bud carts. It is easy to cough though with more than a 1.5-2 second drag. Not sure if that is due to the high PG or the oil that was...
  16. calimed

    Tek Processing large amounts

    Buy a few 24-36 inch tubes and a vacuum chamber/pump and you can easily process 1-2lbs of material in a day.
  17. calimed

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Has anyone found an atomizer that consistently works with thc juice? The bud sapphires work ok, except you have to burp the tanks every 5 hits, and tanks like the aspire nautilus work great for about a day before having wicking issues. Cartomizers work well, such as the smok dual coils, but...
  18. calimed

    Tek BHO to E-juice?

    Dissolve the BHO in your choice of PG (PG400, Di-PG, PG, etc.), add a few drops of d-limonene to taste and if you need the VG, you can add in around 3-4 drops per ml before separation begins without the use of a homogenizer. Whenever I play around with VG in my mixes, even at 3-4 drops per...
  19. calimed

    co2 oils (pre loaded)

    Somewhere around 200 puffs depending how big you puff, but the potency tends to wind down towards the end. A ml tends to last me a day and a half if I'm puffin it regularly during the day and handing it around to friends. However many puffs that tends to be. For some of my other friends that...
  20. calimed

    co2 oils (pre loaded)

    Oh man. Those sell for 20-35 a pop in California and contain 1ml of solution that usually contains a quarter to half a gram of concentrate mixed with pg (sometimes vg as well). They are great for a daytime or driving buzz, but not what you want if you are looking to knock yourself out.
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