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  1. M

    400*+ vapor temp / different amounts loaded

    Yeah it’s weird. Every night it’s usually about an hour -1:30 after vaping it kicks in even get it in my neck a little. The perfect example would be when your in a pool how heavy your body can get. Except it’s just in my neck and wrists
  2. M

    400*+ vapor temp / different amounts loaded

    Gotcha I don’t know what it actually is that is more so in my wrists after vaping on purple that makes my wrists hurt more the longer I hold my phone then when I set it down it my wrists are fine
  3. M

    400*+ vapor temp / different amounts loaded

    Exactly. I have been using purple urkle and I love it so far. I hate to compare it to a pill but after the high passes the very familiar effect comes. Similar to how dilauted made me feel. Unless that’s the sedation, and if that buzzing or what ever in your head and eyes is the sedation then I’m...
  4. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    New Jersey does not allow home grown. My guess is it has nothing to do with medical marijuana as a whole. Knowing nj it’s because they can’t tax you on your own grow. They need to make as much as they possibly can off you regardless of what the matter is. I mean not to get off topic you can buy...
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    400*+ vapor temp / different amounts loaded

    I find that sucking it in deep and holding for 2-3 seconds is plenty effective.
  6. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    MedicTion wise just generic nexium and elequis, but I stopped taken that crap 2 days ago. I got severe chest pain and shortness of breath so I’m not taken it to see if I get better it’s one of the severe side effects. I have been talking th the problem is New Jersey is already a broken state...
  7. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    We don’t even have cbd wax all we have is flower , oil but not like cali where there’s different strains, one dispensary with lotion and losenges. Have edibles to but kids only.
  8. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    Pens are the easiest way as far as staying under the radar. I don’t know how I would be able to get something shipped to me. I can get a friend to buy cartridges in cali easily and send them to me but flower is a different story.
  9. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    I never tried a wax yet we don’t even Have it yet I don’t think. I have tried mixing high cbd with thc and it don’t work so well. Counters the high but also takes away all the other effects. I’m getting more used to it but still don’t really like being to high. Blueberry kush is even border...
  10. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    Exactly what I’m looking for more of a body effect and not the head.
  11. M

    Indicas are not knocking me out. Do you have to smoke slot to get all effects?

    I guess it’s not then and I was only st the place one time so me being a problem is not an issue. It was also like that before I walked out of the dispensary. So I’m assuming it’s nothing. As far as the state goes well I wasn’t sure because I know other drugs like prescription if there’s an...
  12. M

    Indicas are not knocking me out. Do you have to smoke slot to get all effects?

    If this is mold then would I report this to the state? The dispensary is refusing to speak to me they will not return my phone calls. Just say if it is mold and that’s what’s causing my breathing problems and chest pain then that’s pretty serious I would think, and I would also think a...
  13. M

    Indicas are not knocking me out. Do you have to smoke slot to get all effects?

    Might be hard to see for some reason the quality is not as good as usually is and color and look a little different
  14. M

    Indicas are not knocking me out. Do you have to smoke slot to get all effects?

    I’ll try to upload them now. Wish I could just upload from phone without a 3rd party site.
  15. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    I heard mazar i sharif is supposed to be amazing but could be a little on he psychedelic side. I think that’s the name of strain.
  16. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    Mine has a lot of purple in it and more like a sweet berry piney taste with a sweet berry kind of aroma. Nugs are dense too.
  17. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    that’s interesting because the thc content is 13.93% but I here it can be as high as 17-19%. Tell you what though the strain has been the strongest body buzz I had so far, and feel it all over.
  18. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    I got a dispensary close by that has jack 22. There are a ton of strains crossed with skunk though. We don’t have a huge selection of strains yet I don’t think I have come across a purple urkel cross yet. My goto dispensary is big on sour banana sherbet blueberry kush, and jack 22. Surprisingly...
  19. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    So far blue dream is the only one available in jersey.
  20. M

    Is there a Sativa comparable to purple urkel

    I’m new to this and figured a new thread would be easier for asking this question since he topic is different. I been trying purple urkle lately and loved it so much I got a half ounce of it today. It’s not too sedating though I hear in high doses it is, but I liked how the head high quickly...
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