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  1. 100n3y

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I've spent the last 15 min. combing the forum for info so be gentle. I received my Stealth today in the mail. Looking it over it seems to be free of blemishes so that's good. The OLED screed does have a few smudge'y looking spots on the inside of it, but when turned on it doesn't look so bad...
  2. 100n3y

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Looks like my question(s) got answered pretty quick. Received my shipping number today so depending on what USPS says tomorrow I should have it soon. Ordered a group of 10 glass flower beads too so hopefully everything comes in at the same time. I pleaded with them (DaVinci) in my Shipping...
  3. 100n3y

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Pre-cursor - I've been reading this since post 1 (as much as possible. Y'all are super chatty :) ) so if this info exists forgive me. I must've missed it. I requested by email, from Davinci, about where I was on the wait list and never received a response back. Today I received the email...
  4. 100n3y

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    That's great news! I turned down a new $150 pax today to wait for this. Faith. I have it!
  5. 100n3y

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    A guy offered to sell me a new Pax for $150 on Monday as I read the update from DV. AHHHHHHHH! Choices! Hopefully we'll get some good news from DV before then to keep the tempting vape gremlins at bay. Very glad to hear about the improvements. Can't wait to SEE them. :o
  6. 100n3y

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    These spacers seem like a great/necessary thing to have with the Ascent. It's a wonder something like this doesn't come with it already. The bowl sizes of this and the Pax have always concerned me a bit. I loved my OG DV because of the small bowl. Drop a Lil in, smoke it, and put it down...
  7. 100n3y

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Been reading about the Ascent and GV experiences since page 1 and, up until a few seconds ago, had GV as a bookmark since I intended to buy from them in the future. This is nuts. I'm not chiming in to bully-up or anything, but I do want them to know they've lost a potential customer because...
  8. 100n3y

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Figured I'd come out of lurking to say "Thanks for this!" This is the type of QC that should've been done already (and hopefully is on the next round.) I wondered this about my OG Davinci. It only makes sense that pulling cooler air through the bowl would cool it down, but it doesn't make...
  9. 100n3y

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    This is great news DaVinci! I sold my DaVinci so I could get the Ascent on the first release day and have been w/o my vape for a loooong time now. Waiting anxiously for the release. Yes, I am on the pre-registration list!
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