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  1. H


    I‘d guess he‘s using the herb chamber in a glass bowl or a 14mm adapter. I was using the herb chamber in a 18mm male to 14mm female glass adapter before i got my glass bowl and my screen kept on falling out while debowling, as well.
  2. H

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    DHL just sent me an Email today Conclusion: It‘s gone and they can‘t find it At least I didn‘t have to wait for 5 weeks… Time to contact Vestratto, I guess.
  3. H

    DE Deutschsprachige Gammelecke

    Soll ich das dann so angeben wie in deinem Kommentar, also Metallteile, Rohre und Dichtungsringe? Tut mir leid, wenn ich solche dummen Fragen stelle und danke nochmal für die Hilfe.
  4. H

    DE Deutschsprachige Gammelecke

    Hey Leute, ich brauche wieder eure Hilfe. Ich habe mir einen Anvil von Vestratto aus Kanada bestellt, jedoch liegt mein Paket beim Zoll zur "Vorprüfung zur Einfuhr" und rührt sich seit etwa einem Monat nicht. Habe seitdem auch den DHL-Kundenservice kontaktiert und sollte daraufhin einen...
  5. H

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    So I had to contact DHL again, and now they‘re looking into the whereabouts of my shipment. I found out it can take up to 5 weeks…which means I might wait 9 weeks in total for my anvil and it‘s not even guaranteed that they find my shipment. The frustration is real.
  6. H

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    Mine was shipped on 13.04, so still one week left before it‘s at 4 weeks. Reassuring to read yours took 4 weeks. Thank you
  7. H

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    So I contacted DHL and they told me it can take between 1-3 weeks for customs to clear a international shipment, and I should at least wait until next Wednesday. I have never had any shipment take this long to go through customs ever, but I guess there is nothing i could do right now.
  8. H

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    Anybody here who ordered an Anvil to Germany? How long did your anvil spent at customs? Mines been sittin at customs since 20.04 according to Canada Post tracking. After a week of no movement they changed my expected delivery to delayed. Tracking it with DHL doesn‘t even say it‘s at customs...
  9. H


    Wait, you can go half steps? I thought the controller only does full steps as in 6, 7, 8 and so on
  10. H

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    got my 'Heads Up Email' for tomorrow signed up for the waitlist on 25/02
  11. H

    Anvil by VestrattoÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=MMHTX5TZWFXD&keywords=jet+flame+ronx&qid=1649332489&sprefix=jet+flame+ron%2Caps%2C59&sr=8-19 it's the same Ronxs torch as in bossmann's picture above
  12. H

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    I also thought I signed up for the waitlist, and like you registered again. If I‘m not mistaken somebody mentioned it wouldn‘t change your position on the waitlist. Let‘s hope I‘m not misremembering that 🥲
  13. H

    Anvil by Vestratto

    As I‘ve understood it, stock comes in on Monday, which is why the first few rounds of waitlist Emails went out on Monday. In the last Sunday Post John said he wants to prepare everything, so that he can send them out as soon as the orders are coming in and that‘s why Emails are now send out on...
  14. H

    DE Deutschsprachige Gammelecke

    Ich wusste nicht, dass man das dann einfach wegschütten kann. Ich nehme an einfach in den Abfluss? Da waren so viele Warnhinweise auf der Flasche und Google meinte irgendwas von wegen Entsorgung mit der jeweiligen Stadt abklären, da dachte ich mir das kann es den Aufwand doch gar nicht wert...
  15. H

    DE Deutschsprachige Gammelecke

    Bin Neuling in der Vaporizerwelt und hab mich seit Neujahr etwas allgemein belesen. Ich wollte mal fragen, ob hier jemand isopropanol zum reinigen seiner/ihrer glass pieces benutzt und wie? Was macht ihr mit eurem benutztem iso, denn die Gefahrenwarnungen machen mich schon stutzig. Wirkt für...
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