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  1. N

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I wanted it to be for both. Recreational and medical. More specifically, and for stress concentration. But here in Portugal, it is difficult, since it is illegal to sell weed. Soon I buy, is to leave me in the lottery. I can not find a specific strain for this purpose. I was born and live in...
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    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    OK. Thanks anyway.
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    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    sorry, but honestly, I was the same! Still do not understand the purpose of each ...
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    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Hi guys ! I have some questions to ask: 1. Using accessories that come with the D021? 2. What are, respectively? 3. How to use it to dab? 4. What do they say, if you put one or two drops of essential bio oil in water the water pipe? I think so, puderia get a different taste / pleasant and...
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    Herb Grinders

    Ahaha Okay, so I'm more rested! :) Thank you!
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    Herb Grinders

    Hi guys! 1 time per month, significantly, clean my grinder with ISO 99.9% for 5 / 10min. It turns out that when I was on cleaning, had to leave, and I totally forgot the grinder. Ie from about 2 hours or so when I remembered. I ate a bit of color (It was a stronger greenish). My questions...
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    QWISO - can I use same iso on add'l herb?

    Hi guys ! not to open another thread, I decided to ask here: In the filtering, instead of using organic coffee filters, which always ends up absorbing something that said using a stainless steel filter? Thus filters, but does not absorb anything! Now my doubt is that microns choose?
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    Some questions...

    Hi guys ! Well folks, after 1 week without smoking weed (Fumei now a micro-dosing), I can draw some conclusions. 90% of this "problem" I have to swallow, is paranoia, because when I was this week without smoking, the symptoms mentioned above, disappeared almost completely! What are the other...
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    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Hi guys ! Well, they offered a bit of hashish. I know it's not very pure (Hard in Portugal!), But wanted to try the mighty. With a lighter, heated enough to be maneuverable, and undo and can see in the image. As it is not much, not completely fills the chamber and not to walk loose, methyl one...
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    What's in your vape right now?

    Thanks grokit
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    What's in your vape right now?

    Anyone, please?
  12. N

    What's in your vape right now?

    Hi guys ! Well, they offered a bit of hashish. I know it's not very pure (Hard in Portugal!), But wanted to try the mighty. With a lighter, heated enough to be maneuverable, and undo and can see in the image. As it is not much, not completely fills the chamber and not to walk loose, methyl one...
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    When you are dry- try this (re-vaping)

    I will answer in English, for others perceive too. It is risky to put a higher temperature. You run the risk of burning, which is not good. Thus head, grass which withstands higher temperatures, Sage (Salvia), which is to 190ºC.
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    When you are dry- try this (re-vaping)

    Boas @Ricardo! Como vaporizar a erva com menta, a 196ºc? Quando a temp maxima da menta é 170? Abraço
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    How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin

    That honestly do not know answer you. But for you to be honest, it is quite possible!
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    How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin

    Hi @JimmyCricket As you may have noticed, I have a lot of experience on the subject, but I'm pretty sure that this is not the aspect that had to have! If your realizing above, I put a picture and has nothing to do with this. It is quite sticky! The only (apparently) difference to the applied...
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    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Yeah, that was nice @VapoShop ! :)
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    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Hi @ktmstick and @Razshiro ! Thank you for your help! I will now address the issue. Razshiro the code you gave me, unfortunately not available! :\ Anyway, it was worth the intention!
  19. N

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Hi guys ! Now that I have some money available, I wanted to buy some things for the Mighty! I wanted the following: .SCREEN SET .LIQUID PAD SET . COOLING UNIT .FILLING CHAMBER TOOL SET .SEAL RING SET .EASY FLOW GLASS MOUTHPIECE .WATER ADAPTER (Preferably combo 14mm / 18mm) .D021 GlASS WATER...
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    Some questions...

    Hi guys ! New update: I decided to bit, pick up the weed that was here, much more feeble (was barely healed!). To vaporize, to cheat the "beast"! And again, for a change, I had the feeling that I have spoken to you, swallowing. I decided to go to the bathroom, to see the throat in the mirror...
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