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  1. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    You just cant argue when your fucking with a Cloud. My number 2-0-5, every day it makes me proud. Pride in my purchase. To believe you got to see. Compared to my old buick Its a lamborghini.
  2. Ripbongs420

    does FC like "The Walking Dead" on AMC?

    The next episode is called "hounded", which is to basically pursue relentlessly. What could that mean? Merle not giving up hope for his brother? Can not wait:goon:
  3. Ripbongs420

    does FC like "The Walking Dead" on AMC?

    What was it the folks at the farm called them? I was just thinking about it the other day. I think it might be a coping technique. Make them seem less scary? :shrug:
  4. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    That is absolutely beautiful. Great work Jam.
  5. Ripbongs420

    does FC like "The Walking Dead" on AMC?

    Phenomenal show. Been following it since its first episode. Last episode's ending had me giving my computer screen the finger :lol:. Next weeks preview is interesting, they find Carols knife, Looks like Michonne finds the group, and I think Merle's head can be seen looking at the prison at the end.
  6. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Wanna be roomies? :p
  7. Ripbongs420

    Obama has been re-elected president. Discuss.

    Black eyes, like a dolls eyes. Don't seem to be living at all, till it bites ya. :lol:
  8. Ripbongs420

    Will This Election Unravel Prohibition?

    Don't be mistaken. It is a big win on a national level as well. I will sleep tonight a much happier man. I mean, man, there are now two states in this union that it is legal to use cannabis for any reason you choose. Wow. :cheers: I couldn't even imagine what it would feel like if I was in one...
  9. Ripbongs420

    Will This Election Unravel Prohibition?

    In all respect don't you think you are understating it a bit? I'd call these major wins, not skirmishes.
  10. Ripbongs420

    Will This Election Unravel Prohibition?

    They fought the ganj, and the ganj won. Funny, they lost to us. The "oh so stupid stoners".:smug:
  11. Ripbongs420

    Will This Election Unravel Prohibition?

    :bigleaf:I want to move.
  12. Ripbongs420

    Will This Election Unravel Prohibition?

    I wonder what the feds will do. :hmm:
  13. Ripbongs420

    Will This Election Unravel Prohibition? :clap:
  14. Ripbongs420

    The Sports Thread

    I thought you might like this pic t-dub. Somebody sees something interesting :brow:
  15. Ripbongs420

    Hurricane Sandy

    Everything is okay in my neck of the woods. Lost power for a bit but nothing more. Hope everyone less fortunate is okay.
  16. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Just a thought to try and help. I would suggest creating a sensible, for your needs, pattern with your cannabis use if your want to conserve. Random load size can be very wasteful. IME the cloud can be used as a ass-kicking machine, or a ever surprising conserver. Choice is yours. Haven't used...
  17. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I'm more inland but we are still going to get slammed. Im terrified of the idea having to go without my little ticking monster. :(
  18. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I was just thinking why it would go green at all if it didn't heat up. I might be wrong but I think I remember someone who had a cloud that wouldn't heat that just stayed red. I mean when you hear, blinks green and red, thats the most obvious answer I feel. Hopefully thats all. Ps. I'm two...
  19. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Wait, your not talking about the auto shut off are you?
  20. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Your doing everyone in the community a solid and apologizing? Nah man, take as much time as you need! :cheers: And thanks!
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