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    Vaphit Quartz Cap -

    What cap do you need? Maybe i could spare one.
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    Herb Grinders

    Stona was delivered today. The imperfections are really minimal. Aside from a tiny "hole" in the sidewall of the wood (like someone poked it with a needle), the only other things are like 2-3 small problems with the powder coating of the aluminum lid. Nothing serious and for 95€ its fine. I've...
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    Vaphit Quartz Cap -

    I didn't even used all the balls (nor the star) 😄. First impressions: The X is really quite heavy and as I was cleaning the stem a noticed a rather rough inner surface. I'm thinking of polishing it. Outside finish is really nice. The thicker quartz caps don't fit the YLL IH 2.0/Cuboo Heater...
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    Camouflet Convector XL

    I'm aware of this limitation, but as the two new P28a (bought and paired for this IH) only had one battery bar missing and we're able to ramp up to the desired 55w after seconds, I thought maybe the position or something with the Titanium cap itself causes this issue. Thats why I was interested...
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    Camouflet Convector XL

    May I ask, what wattage you're using? With 45W it's not really giving anything, with 55W it just automatically steps down to 35W and ramps up to 55 after 5seconds. This gives better performance, but I'm still not getting a good performance out of this with the IH. Thanks.
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    Custom 3D printed Widgets - Delta 3D Studios

    Handwritten in millimeters, but I hope it helps 😉
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    Herb Grinders

    Ordered a Selected Second Stona, shipment takes his time, but really curious about the imperfections.
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    Vaphit Quartz Cap -

    Ordered a Vaphit X and a QHC DNA, a Helix Tip, and a perforated Cap. Can't wait to see if the perforated cap get the vaphit working with my YLL IH, as hinted in this thread. Also trying to combine the vaphit X stem with the Camouflet convector chamber/heating cap. Thanks for all the great...
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    Induction Heater YLL IH by YLL vape

    I've bought a year ago and had no issues, but the order from yesterday hasn't shipped yet. How long did your last order took?
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    Induction Heater YLL IH by YLL vape

    LacentraleVapeur has a preorder with an Dynavap M7 for 99€. Verdampftnochmal has a 15% Code (420sale) on his rebranded version Cubooheater 2.0, so its down to ~84€.
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    Induction Heater YLL IH by YLL vape

    Those Molicel are totally fine for the YLL and will work with your charger. I have the Cuboo Heater (relabeled YLL 2.0) and this carrying case from FIREDOG: It fits the heater, two dynavaps and some small parts. I don't know if it'll fit a reload and two spare batteries...
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    ZAM Grinder

    Thanks for the fast reply. There's no real hurry, as this is a luxury item. But I want to second @cx714 comment about the logo. While it's a not "embarrassing" logo (searching for a better term), the overall appearance would be improved.
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    ZAM Grinder

    Dang, I was thinking about the stainless Version, as the 20% would roughly cover shipment and import fees, but I understand your decission. Any rough estimation/timeline for releasing the stainless Version? Thanks.
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    Got mine for 297€ in LaCentraleVapeur, but this was the biggest discount I've seen yet. The heat up is fast and really a on-demand capable device. Since I don't have the Argo, I can't compare those devices but the TM2 has a nice flavour but also can really blast you, which is a learning curve at...
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    Camouflet Convector

    I'm looking into buying a convector, but i'm not sure about stainles or ti. My primary goal is to have a spliff like experience, especially for sharing with friends, who i couldn't convince with alle the battery powered vapes i own. The Omni i have bought recently, got me near to a nice...
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    Using a 55 vor 80mm stem, fill it with some glass pearls/pills, ad a mouthpiece (blocking the pills) and close the other side with a basket screen. Now you can use the rimmed basket screen or dosing capsules. Nice cooling and airflow (not as free as without, but perfect for me) and not as huge...
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    Dynavap VapCap

    Thanks @coolbreeze and @BreadStick for the tips, they were really helpful. First session was influenced by strong winds, so i got some flavour but no real hit. Second reheat without wind showed the potential and ended with light brown abv (tad uneven) and a nice hit. Theres a learning curve and...
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    Herb Grinders

    @Jojofernz thanks for the insights. I was eying with this grinder, but the level of maintenance seems high. As I'm mostly grinding small batches at a time: how does it perform, with like 0.2/0.3 nugs? Because with the Krush Kube and such amounts the grind uniformity sometimes is subpar.
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    Dynavap VapCap

    So i've just received my first butane vap. Got a (hopefully) nice deal on a 2021 omni. Was eying with a Dani Fusion, but the availability and size of the chamber just lead to the omni. Did the test with half a bowl and if this kicks with this tiny amount, it's a win. Now it's time to learn the...
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    TinyMight / TM 2

    The slighty bigger version of your linked firedog bag fits the tm2 with some larger stems or some extras, like a rocket stem. The smaller one fits it only with the 55mm stem or with the stem separated (at least for me).
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